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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ross Perots' "giant sucking sound" comes home to roost ?

After everything that this administration has done to "We the People", I believe it is about time that Barry should be able to show us what he will do for "We the People".  The "lame duck" Congress is now in session.  They know that they have been beaten pretty badly in the last election (not as badly as I would have liked), yet, as I see it, they are going to shove their agenda through anyway.  Even in their last days they are still determined to make it hurt even more.  I thought that maybe I would see a more Constitutional resolve from the people that lost their seats.  I thought that I would almost be able to hear the newly elected, screaming in the background way off in the distance.  Low, but there.....trying to get their voices heard early......but I don't even hear them.  What I think I am starting to hear from them is.......back-pedaling.  You know the kind......when you know you're in rough waters....turned the corner.....and then you see something you weren't quite expecting ( lots of splashing), slight changes of heart, and more than a few whews.  They better get their sh** together.  I don't feel like I can afford another $3,000.00/year in Federal taxes for nothing.  Government is growing larger and larger.  So is the debt and the deficit.  Social Security is in intensive care, and medicaid/care is swelling so fast it will need a fasciotomy to save it.  I know Ted will disagree, but as long as the people that are closest to using it, and those who are beyond self help are covered.......those entitlements need to go.  We need to treat it like the cancer it is. Radiation and chemotherapy will shrink it to a manageable state.  I know the pain will be horrendous but we can tough it out.  Then it can either be excised altogether, or managed correctly by a private company, and for the benefit of all.

   Barry.  If you don't get off your socialist, ideological, fascist podium, and try to be the  American, that you want us to believe you are, and probably aren't ( but I digress ), you will almost certainly push our demise as a great nation further down the rabbit hole.  Do what you were elected to do and stop this nonsense before it is too late.  I know you can.............unless this is what you wanted all along. 

   If these idiots are allowed to keep killing us before they leave office it will be very difficult to reverse.  most assuredly with the lessening resolve of the new people coming into office.  Although, there is nothing we can do at this point but to accept what they do, and hope that the newbies can fix it, we should not allow our anger to fade.  Instead, we should save it.  Feed it, keeping it strong for the next battle which is sure to come in January.  Like Benjamin Franklin said after being asked what kind of Government they had given us, "a Republic if you can keep it."  Can we keep it?  Is it too far gone?  Do we even know what it is we are losing?
I know I do.  I will do my best to keep and protect it.  I will use my voice, my pen, and whatever else might be called for in its defense.  Will you?