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Rmember this?

Monday, November 8, 2010


I just don't know where to start.
     I have not been writing here because I just don't know where to start.  I guess the frustration begins with the President, but it goes deeper and farther than that.  Since the elections in 2008 I have become angry.  I don't like to be angry, but in one way or another I still  am.  I could make a list.  In fact I have, but it would take forever, and be counter productive at this point to go through it.  I was really hoping that we ( the Republican party ) would take a few more Senate seats last week.  I wanted very much to see Harry Reid go down in flames, that didn't happen.  I can't prove it, but my gut tells me something shady happened there.  They say that it is because Sharon Angle had some pretty aggressive anti-illegal immigration adds running ( I haven't seen them ) giving Harry the "Hispanic Vote".  I don't buy it.  It still smells bad, or to quote Glenn Beck, "It stinks on ice".   I wanted to see Carly Fiorina win by a landslide.....that didn't happen either.  While I didn't want to see a total take-over of both houses ( that would have set the scene for Republican blame ), I did want to see just a few more seats won in the Senate.
      Nancy Pelosi........She just wont go away.  Now she wants to be minority leader.........She's kinda like Herpes.  You can treat the outbreaks, and some of the symptoms, but there is no cure.  The Democratic party  ( like the body ) is even turning against her, but she just keeps on coming back.  Her endless attacks on the Constitution and the American people will one day bring that party to its knees.  I do however believe that her attaining the minority leadership role will be good for the next Congress.  She will give the Republican party something to hide behind while they weed out the progressives they have hiding amongst them ( Lindsay Grahm for one).  With any luck, she will bring about enough in-fighting that some of these more conservative Dem's will vote the "right" way for a change.

      While the country exsanguinates it's treasure due to an ever enlarging government, the first lady dances with her children in India, and the Fed monetizes our debt.  I believe they are calling it "quantitative easement".
Doesn't anyone else think this is insane?  This trip to  Asia alone is costing the tax payers millions.  The Bush tax cuts they are going to allow to expire will mean huge tax increases for every American in a time where 1 in every 10 people are out of work and being threatened with foreclosure.  The President says that America cannot afford to borrow more money to pay for the tax cuts to continue.  That doesn't make any sense.  If the tax cuts remain in effect, the Government is still not collecting those funds.  Why is he trying to tell us that we can't afford not to collect money that we are already not collecting?  Because he knows he's going to borrow it any way, and he's already looking to the tax payer to pay for more borrowed money that he acknowledges he knows we can't afford to pay back.  That train of thought is not only irrational, it is treasonous.  Bankrupting this nation might serve the purposes of himself and George Sorros but not that of the Nation and the Republic.  Common sense will tell you that messing with a hornets nest is going to get you stung......Repeatedly.  I know he wont go away willingly,  Thank God for Presidential term limits.