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Monday, September 14, 2009

Bull sh**

I had hopes that on Saturday 09Sept2009 (9-12), that our Dictator- in- chief would have shown the American people a little common courtesy by sticking around OUR Capitol city long enough to see first hand what his left wing militia (the mainstream media) calls an "angry mob." I knew he wouldn't have the balls to actually go out and speak to "WE THE PEOPLE", but I also didn't expect him (wimp) to turn tail and run to the comfort and safety of his fascist supporters of the socialization of America. It is my opinion (of course) that BHO needed to re-charge his narcissistic batteries by bathing in the energy of the like-minded and ill-informed un-American brethren of his fold. Poor baby, I hope he feels (Micheal) Moore better. Even George Soros must be proud of the way he spent the Citizens money to run away from the same people he swore an oath to. I am disgusted. Not surprised, but disgusted. I mean, after all, it wasn't as if he didn't know we were coming. He had plenty of time to change his busy schedule to accommodate the American people, didn't he? It couldn't be that his America and the America of the Sovereign people are not the same, no,......that couldn't be it.........could it? It couldn't be that he believes himself to be the Sovereign? No, that would be to far of a reach, even for a self proclaimed community activist with ties to Acorn, William Ayers, and dare I say, the new Black Panther Party. I mean if a Clansman stood outside a polling place trying to intimidate voters on election day would the charges have been dropped against him as well? I think not. With the SEIU in BHO's pocket and the money from the Socialist left flowing directly into his coffers it's no wonder that WE THE PEOPLE get nothing but ......well......just nothing from this supposed President ( I don't even like to refer to him with that much deference). It's all about HIM, and HIS cause. Not WE THE PEOPLE. We are just an obstacle that needs to be negotiated (legislated to death) to reach his ultimate goal.............."Fundamental change". The complete and total subversion of the Constitution of the United States of America, and the dawning of the U-nited S-ocialist S-tates of A-merica, no doubt with BHO as its self proclaimed "president" (after the abolition of presidential term limits of course). Instead of helping to "drain the swamp" (Nancy Pelosi), BHO is throwing so much manure everywhere that the tree of corruption is rapidly turning into a forest so thick its becoming harder and harder to kill the original tree.

If this is remains un-checked, WE THE PEOPLE and our Constitution are all doomed. While the march on Washington on 9-12 was a good start, we must remember that it was only a start. We need to get bigger, Better organized, and be prepared for the worst that I am afraid is yet to come.