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Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Ruler amongst us

Just a few thoughts:
Since the inauguration of the anointed one (Barack HUSIEN Obama), the Democratic party and uber-left wingers like Mr. Bob Beckle (sorry) and Nancy Pelosi, have done nothing but blame the outgoing administration for everything that is wrong with the country. The uber-left, and the elected Democrats of the PEOPLES' government, as well as certain republicans (who want to be Democrats) have done nothing but follow the ACORN map. This map, if I understand it correctly, is to mobilize the "disenfranchised" and poor people against banks, small business, big business, and eventually our very foundation, the Constitution of the United States of America. The Goal, apparently, is to bring forth so much destabilisation in these areas that the Federal Government thinks it has no choice but to step in and "fix it". Global Warming (cap and tax), health care (single payer system), Bailouts of failing business and forced bankruptcies, . These are just a few examples of this transformation into Socialism (left wing ideals).

It's rely the "fix it" part that scares me the most. Most of these people probably can't even change the oil (I know, that's a bad word these days) in their cars (they probably don't even drive them). If there were still full service stations around, they wouldn't even know how to pump their own gas (another bad word). The sad truth is, that people like this not only make me sick, they are running (ruining) the country. The very people that WE THE PEOPLE elected to PROTECT and DEFEND us and the CONSTITUTION are drafting the legislation to ensure the bankruptcy of the entire country one piece at a time, and they are starting with WE THE PEOPLE. Now, the government can decide which contracts they like, and which ones they don't, and change them as they see fit. This enables them to decide how much money you can make, and whether or not you are eligible to receive a previously contractual bonus or not, and for how much. If that doesn't work, they just threaten to tax the dog snot out of it so you don't get it anyway. These People could get lost in a paper bag. Now they want to control your health care. They started with the seat belt law, saying that they were trying to save lives. Then it was cigarettes for the same reason. The next choice they steal from you will be Mc Donalds', then maybe an MRI or your cancer medication ('cause your gonna die anyway), and then candy 'cause if you didn't eat it they wouldn't have to pay for your insulin. Since when does the government have the right or the legal authority to protect me from myself. I have two words to say about that, and they aren't happy birthday.

Taxing people under the cover of darkness (transparency) is not the way to "fix it", it's the way to finish it. They are already going after the 2ND amendment, your right to bear arms. Without the second, there is no first. Then state sovereignty (10Th), and the 22ND, presidential term limits. Whats next? Your first born I guess. Oh yeah, parental rights, they want them too.