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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Decision Time

Donald Vincent


     In 2008 when Obama was first elected, I was upset and confused.  Though I knew in my heart the people were acting out of political correctness, desperation and most voted along racial lines, I took solace in the fact that it would only be for four years, after all, how much harm could one man do in four years right?  Wrong!  I went to work trying to get involved on the grass roots level and making sure that his tenure would be short.  My efforts were in vain.  In 2012, when he came up for re-election, I said to myself, “there’s no way the American people will do this again.”  And I took comfort in that thought.  I was wrong again.  This is getting to be a nasty habit of mine, this being wrong thing.  I didn’t count my chickens this time.  I re-doubled my efforts.  I joined Patriot groups, the Tea Party, and gave money I didn’t have, to people that didn’t or couldn’t make a difference.   After Mitt Romney (intentionally I believe) tanked that debate……I knew…….right then and there, I knew.  I got angry.  After the polls closed I glued myself to the T.V. watching and praying that what I knew to be true was wrong again.  Sometimes it sucks to be right.   After all was said and done, I didn’t know whether to cry, renew my passport, or buy more ammo.  I bet you’ll never guess which one I picked……


    Now it’s 6 years later, with the economy in shambles, record unemployment, more people on public assistance then are working and a federal deficit that is 10 times larger than the global GDP I am dumbfounded.  The Country is in a perpetual state of war, there is scandal after scandal, the DOJ helps cover-up all the lies from the administration and its failed (?) policies, and the American people are constantly losing their Sovereignty a little at a time and faster with each passing day.  But are they angry?  You would never know it by looking around, or by watching the (so-called) news.  Are there protests?  No.  I guess the “free speech zones” are just too small.  The only thing that let me know that there were still Americans out there was the Bundy Ranch event.  That gave me some hope that things were not lost forever and that there were still people out there with a fire in their belly for Liberty and Freedom. There have been very few legal challenges as well, the ones that there are, are squashed, placed into the circular file or just buried in the beaurocratic blizzard of paperwork and hoops.  With the complicity of the courts and the entire legal system, any such challenges that manage to reach the Supreme Court are tossed; if they are heard by them at all the decision is always against the People and the Constitution.  It is a sad state of affairs.  Yet, there are still people who are placing all of their hopes on the coming mid-term elections.  I guess their hope is that the elections aren’t really rigged and the system will flip back into a Constitutional Republic just by trying to elect new corruption into an already destroyed system.  I just don’t get it.  I see only two solutions at this point, and I don’t put much faith into a positive outcome for either one, but, I’ll state them anyway.  First, we need to take back the courts and the legal system and wrest the power from the Admiralty/Statutory system and bring back the common law and the common law Grand Jury system that served this Country well for over 100 years.  This would put the power of self-governance back into the hands of the people where it constitutionally belongs.  It would also give” We the People” the ability to throw all of these corrupt people from judges to politicians into the jails that they have filled with the poor souls who wouldn’t play by their twisted set of rules that are being forced on America by the Police state and the ridiculous war on drugs.  Although this is a real hard rowe to howe, with some effort and a little luck, it could happen.  The second: Revolutionary and Civil war.  This would be ugly, bloody and likely not effectuate the desired change which is, as I see it, the reversal of the Progressive (Communist) change back to the Constitutional Republic and the Original Intent of the Constitution itself.  To forcefully bring about this change would require a great deal of skill as well as a firm reliance in God and the selection of leadership devoid of the greed and corruption that got us here in the first place.  I’d say the odds on that happening are very slim…..possible….yes….but very slim.  As Thomas Jefferson once said,” From time to time the tree of Liberty must be watered with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants.”  And on a closing note from another brilliant man, John Fitzgerald Kennedy said; “those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”   Where is your line?  How far will you be pushed?   Will you turn tail and run?  Or will you choose a course and fight.   It’s time to figure that one out people…’s time to figure that one out for the hour grows near and this choice will be made for you if you don’t make it yourself and you and I both know that you won’t like the one that THEY make for you, not even a little.  If you were to re-read the declaration of Independence I think you would be able to clearly see that the grievances listed “which impel them to the separation” are applicable to our very own government today.  I also believe it is time to again make the same promise to each other that they made to themselves when they issued this blessed document, “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”  May God Bless America, Again.