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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

American Apathy

By Donald Vincent
Here I sit. Late at night. I am wondering why "We the people' Are standing by......taking (almost ) the same crap we were dealt over 200 years ago by England with not even as much as a whimper. Even our Grandparents would be in the streets and on the field of battle. But today, on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, we take our right to religion and our right to speak our minds and we just ignore them. We ignore them because "our government" has made it inconvenient to do otherwise, made us scared to be who we are. We give away our privacy and health care and our right to choose over to the taxing agency of an already intrusive government and expect that it will all be better than it was before(?). We put up with "Free Speech Zones" (what the fu** is that ?), and our ability to carry a rifle in public or a small arm in private, why? Because someone might be scared? Or offended (who gives a sh**)? We let our first "black (not really)" President (supposed to be a good thing right?) Take the law into his own hands and Impose social instead of equal justice. We allow him alone decide which laws he likes and wants to enforce, and when and against whom he chooses to enforce them.......Starts to sound a little more and more like what my Grandfather and his father fought AGAINST in WWI, and WWII. Like their fathers before who fought in the war of 1812, or the Civil war, or even the Revolutionary war. Are we that apathetic? Have we grown so dependent that we will not take personal responsibility for our own destiny? Do we care not for our children and our children's children that we will hand over to this monster that we ourselves have created and allowed to live that which was at one time the nature of our very existence? What will become of them? Shall we again give up their rights to the same? What happened to the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness (property)? Does this all die to give rise to the "collective?" To the Government?
My guess is that the majority of you have decided in the affirmative. That government which governs most governs best. That you and yours are incapable of making decisions for yourselves. That your destiny, and the destiny of your family is best left up to the people who know better, the government. May God Bless and protect you from the monster of our creation and Americas demise.