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Rmember this?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Alas, Old Glory, I knew her well.

    I am going to start by using a quote:  "This Nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." Elmer Davis.

    I am sitting in my living room, looking at the TV. (with nothing on ) and kind of feeling sorry for myself this 4th of July weekend.  Not just myself actually, but for everyone that I know, more importantly my 12 year old son.  I find myself pouting like a spoiled child.  Sitting in my chair, thinking of why I have yet to carry the flag to the pole for it's all important flight over my house on this momentous birthday weekend.  Old Glory sits in front of me, almost staring at me, begging the question....Why?  Isn't this weekend to be a celebration of the Countries birth?  Of independence from oppression?  Freedom from taxation without representation? Property ownership? Freedom of speech, and the press?  The right to liberty, Prosperity, and the freedom to worship as I see fit?  Equal justice under the law?  The right to work hard and play hard to ensure the financial well being of me and mine?  The ability to reap the rewards for what I sew?  As the realization that all of this is just fantasy in this day and age hits me, I no longer want to have the BBQ.  The Beer that I have purchased for the celebration will undoubtedly get one of my friends arrested, his or her liberty further encroached upon because of my ignorance of supplying it.  The fire works, also illegal, will no doubt be met with exorbitant fines and maybe some community service to a bankrupt county who needs still to provide services it can no longer afford on the tax dole because of greed and entitlements.  I hope that I got everything that I need from the store before it gets dark, as a trip to the store will inevitably wind up at the very least in an illegal traffic stop, and a violation of my fourth amendment rights which have obviously been suspended on a day we are supposed to be celebrating the same.  Every cop from miles around will be perched somewhere to ensure that someones life will be ruined on a day that is supposed to be one of National Pride, instead has become a day of National shame.  In some parts of this Nation they are not even allowed to fly the flag without fear of retribution by some fascist homeowners association.  Just like the one that denied home ownership to a disabled American Vet in Ga.  Those are the type of people that NEED to be hung from MY flag pole on this 4th of July.  But, people no longer scream for their freedom.  They scream for their entitlements.  They no longer care or fight for their Liberty, they fight for their food stamps.  They don't feel the need to scream about their Country's bankruptcy and run away spending, as long as they get their medicaid, Social in-security, and medicare.  They Don't care that they are subjected to illegal search and seizure in their homes, at the airport or just because they drive a car as long as the check is in the mail on the 15th.  When Benjamin Franklin was asked in 1789 what kind of Government we had he said " a Republic, if you can keep it."  Well it is clear that we can't.  How do I explain that to my kid?  I can't.  You do it.  All you spineless cowards who do nothing but sit back and take it.  You tell him.  'cause I just don't have the heart.  So, I hope you enjoy the holiday.  I hope your check is in the mail, and I hope you don't get arrested today ( though I know you will at some point).  The Police state is here to stay, and you have yourselves to thank.  Congratulations on ushering in the "new world order."  You wont know what you did until it is too late.  My Grandfather always said, "if you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."  For those of you that are part of the problem,........I have two words for you......and they are not happy birthday, you selfish sons of bitches.