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Rmember this?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


     Normally I wouldn't even say that because  I believe the that the seat belt laws in this country are UNCONSTITUTIONAL (to say the least)!!!  But for the purposes of this little rant I will just leave it at that.

    I read several articles this week that have spewed forth the statistic that 40% of all "Americans" are now either on food stamps, medicaid, or are otherwise dependents of the "Federal Government."  BRILLIANT!!!   That's just what our soon to be Dictator wants.   Let us take this one step at a time because it infuriates me. 

    Let us just say first of all, that the culture of dependence is growing so rapidly (it is rampant) in this country that the United States of America more closely resembles 1938 Germany than it does the "Republic" the Founding Fathers set up for us to treasure and keep.  The fact that people who call themselves "Americans" can actually Accept Barrys' (Obamas') redistributive policies and feel good about doing so is just appalling to me (and I suspect the Founders as well).  I understand that this so called "President" has taken our beloved country from the brink of financial collapse to the precipice and beyond, but that is no reason for "real Americans" to fall victim to the fascist trap being set.  The "free money", isn't free.  Hard working people from all over this land pay into this pot so that the people who actually need it might have a reprieve until they can get back on their feet.  It was never intended to be a pay check for the rest of ones life.  Even still,  the entitlement programs of this country are like the seat belt laws.....UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!  Social Security is one of them.  I know it was designed with good intentions ( the road to hell is paved with those),so was communism.  If the politicians could have kept their hand out of the pot instead of filling it with worthless treasuries and IOU's, to spend the cash on pet projects, and lobbyists, it would probably be solvent even to this day, but it isn't.  My point is that if the people of this country are willing to lay down and accept what the Government hands out at the expense of hard working, overtime seeking, breaking their ass to save for the future, (who actually pay taxes) tired Americans, then we are all doomed to enslavement at he REQUEST of the taking, redistributionist, neo-fascist lazy non-tax paying dogs of the new entitlement states of america. No more property more 2nd amendment, no more 1st more Constitution.   Just a check in the mail, and a card to buy the food that they tell you you are allowed to buy.  Because they alone know what's good for you.  

    Basically, I am sick of the whole lot.  Illegal immigrants that never pay into the system and get free medical care as well as food stamps and AFDC (well-FAIR my ass), to the people who are perfectly able to take care of themselves but just choose to let us do it for them, because it is easier.  To the pension taking retirees, who still take Social Security checks to augment their income.  To the people who grew up taking, and were never taught how to work hard, much less to try, and now demand all that we (as a country) have to GIVE them ( because they believe they deserve it).  I have two words for you........and they are not "happy birthday"!!!!!  You are Un-American.  What happened to personal responsibility?  Respect for self and family?   The willingness to do whatever is needed to be done to better yourself, your family, your community.  The America I know is already lost,  it left with your sense of duty, and pride.  You all deserve what you get!!!!   I am just mad that you have the gall to take the rest of us hard working duty bound "Sovereign" Americans with you.

    To the rest of you........Hold's going to be a bumpy ride.  One we as a Nation may not survive.