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Monday, April 4, 2011

"Stupid is as stupid does".

    I just have to vent a little I guess:  The burning of the Quaran (koran, Qran) however you want to spell or say  it.  This was a tragic event for the "real" Muslim people, and should have been avoided.  I say real, because I believe that the religious beliefs of Islam are indeed peaceful, and that the extremists among them are the bad apples in the bunch.  Christianity, and Judaism share the same few ( relatively ) bad apples.  This theory, I am sure, holds true for all other religions.  I would like to say that I have read the Quaran, but I have not, as the closest I can get to it is a translation.  The translation, leaves much to be  desired in the English language ( I am told that the beauty of it eludes us English folk, Americans in particular) but I have tried.  Understanding the translation is a great undertaking in and of itself.   What it boils down to is this:

      Hot air, and steam.  I don't know the book, so I will stop talking about the book.  What I do understand are the bad apples.  They are the ones we are fighting in no longer two, but three different fronts now.  I believe there will soon be a fourth.  There are good, God fearing Muslims in this world.  Our fight is not with them, their Religion, or there God.  Our fight is with the ideology of the bad apples in the bunch.  These bad apples I refer to as "muslanimals" (and will continue to do so hence forth).  These muslanimals are responsible  for more death around the world than anyone could imagine, and for what reason?  God.  Allah.  I don't buy it.  What I do buy is that America is getting involved in a conflict our Government has no intention of winning.

     Nation building is not in our counties best interest.  Nor is it within our countries budget (thank you Barry).  It's not even in the Presidents' CONSTITUTIONAL authority to institute.  If America has a national security issue, than it is provided for in the Constitution that the Congress has the sole authority to deal with it.  But, if the President (Barry) wants to push the issue, then he shouldn't tie the hands of our fighting forces.  Forget about Vietnam, where Presidents Johnson, and Nixon thought they could fight a war from the oval office.  History tells us that doesn't work!!  Marines are trained to kill.  Plain and simple.  If you don't want them to kill, then send them home so that they might live to fight when you really do need them.  If the rules of engagement are the thickness of the yellow pages.........our government is doing something wrong.  When the Navy, and the Air force are risking their lives to support Army, and Marine Corps. troops who can't fight, why are they there?  Not to protect vital American interests, or American security, I can tell you that much is clear.  If Barry wont let them fight to win.....he should bring them home, because in this economy,( thanx barry,and the fed ) they will have to fight to live.

    That being said:  I believe that the muslanimals should be treated as they treated us on 9/11.  A war of attrition is definitely called for.  Release the hounds ( Army and Marine corps.)!!!!!  Or bring them back to the families that need them most.  Our fighting men and women deserve far greater respect than the Government, and our Country have given them, since WW-ll  they have been tied down and told not to do their best.  Korea.  Vietnam.  They were a shambles.  Stop abusing proud, unselfish human beings for the wrong reasons.  They attacked us.  Let politics be damned.  Kill them or leave them to kill themselves ( they always have ).  Let our forces come home with honor, or with their lives.  Preferably both.  But don't leave them in a position where they cannot defend their own life, much less their Honor, Dignity,and Country which they swore before God to put before themselves.  This Nation would be lost long before today without them.

                        Thank you all.  And God bless the United States of America.