I am not one of those people out there that believe in a "living Constitution." I guess that makes me part of the old school. I am of the belief that the Founding Fathers (or Framers) of the constitution put forth a great deal of time and effort to make sure they got it right. Since they publishing of the Federalist Papers in New York, they had a great deal of time to research the next step. The formation of a more perfect union.
While they did provide for some wiggle room with the ability to amend the constitution, they in no way intended that it be amended into submission. The intent (I believe) was to be able to fix, or tweak (without destroying) the original document or it's intention and the fabric there-of. This ability was provided for with the intent to assimilate the existing documentation and legislation to fit within an ever changing and dynamic country. Not to completely destroy, obliterate, void, deface, defame, and slowly erode it away for political power and and gain. The power was to be retained by the people. Not by the politicians, and we need to take it back. I believe it was Thomas Jefferson who said (the exact quote eludes me so I will paraphrase) when the people are afraid of government that's dictatorship. When the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty.
The government ( Courtesy of BHO and the other extreme left wing loons, Pelosi included ),
is tearing at the very fabric that makes this country what it is. GREAT! They stomp on the constitution. They write legislation that clearly violates it. They take it upon themselves to arbitrarily re-write contracts to benefit their cause and the cause of unions ( which in my opinion have caused this country to lose it's competitive edge globally). They are destroying the free market, and the economy that makes the U.S. and the dollar a power to be reckoned with, respected, and admired. They are going to tax the people into submission, and eventually socialism "for the common good" (Marxism). Then they say that they are only looking out for your best interest ( nanny state). It's akin to them telling me that I have to wear a seat belt in my own car. Is my not wearing a seat belt hurting anyone? No. Unless your going to include your insurance company. After all they are the ones who spent millions of dollars lobbying the government to pass that idiot law. Again the government interferes in our personal life for the benefit of someone other than WE THE PEOPLE.
In my humble opinion, it is time to fire them all. Every single one of them. When Cap and (tax) Trade passes, and they force us to take nationalized single payer health care, and tax us up the poop chute to pay for it, maybe it will finally sink in. We The People need to take our government back from the politicians and the Washington elite before the national debt and the deficit eat us alive, enslaving our children and their children subjecting us to the threat of war against WE THE PEOPLE from foreign countries that hold our debt. Or from countries that would love nothing more than to see us fall like the Roman empire (in flames and conquest).
Please, call Washington, talk to your ( un-) "representatives." Make them listen, before it is to late.
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