Please help the educated help the uneducated people of America! I don't mean literally. I mean politically. There are college graduates who do not even know the name of the Vice President of the United States. "Man on the Street" for example, heard on the "Sean Hannity radio show" most Thursday, is a great example of American ignorance. If you have ever heard this segment of the show (I try to listen to the show as much as I can) you would realize how many Americans are truly ignorant. This is very bothersome to me.
In my own opinion; here is what I believe is happening in this country.
After BHO won the election, many average American's were polled and asked why they voted for BHO and many of them who were not affiliated with a party and voted stated that they voted for BHO because a friend or family member, pastor, teacher, neighbor, community organizer told them to. That he was for: "Change". Hence the "Lemming syndrome"!!!!!
For everyone who is not aquainted with Lemmings, they are animals that FOLLOW the leader. Without knowing why they are following the leader. If the leader jumps off the
"LEFT "cliff they will follow. All to their doom!!
So, we have the Lemmings. We also have the OSTRICH'S. These are the Americans that just decide to not care. They just bury there heads in the sand, so they don't have to be involved. I do believe that this could be a large percentage of the American population. These are the people who are not educated on politics and frankly just don't care.
I work with a very intelligent woman who is my secretary. She is my right hand woman. When the election was upon us last November, I asked her who she was voting for. She said:"I haven't voted since my father made me vote for Reagan in 1980." I asked her if she would please vote this year, that it was very important. She said she would. Then she asked me:" who should I vote for?" Wow!! I actually influenced, not only an Ostrich, but I made her into a Lemming!! Obviously I asked her to vote for John McCain.
This is my point. We need to help the Ostrich's who don't vote, believe that their votes are very important, and that they do count. And as for the Lemnmings, we need to educate them about the politicians that they are voting for, so they can form their own opinions, and don't just vote blindly along party lines because they have been told that is the right thing to do.
I am honored to be able to speak to many people about my analogies, and concerns. If nothing else, I hope I may have made someone chuckle, and have sparked an idea, and have motivated someone to educate a friend, neighbor, family member, etc. about there local politicians, and the bigger picture of the federal government.
Christine A. Vincent
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