Well, The Declaration of Independence ends like this: “with a firm reliance on the protection of
Devine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes,
and our sacred honor.”
However, most of us are not aware of exactly what that means. Basically, what this means is, that with
faith in God, we will do what we have to do to protect each other, and our
country. But this is not what is
happening. We are constantly going after
one another. Constantly we are fighting
back and forth, Left VS Right. When really
what is needed is smaller Government, moving back to what is known as “Constitutional
Governance.” Unfortunately Rand Paul is
not available to guide us now, but he would get us closer to where WE as a
country need to be.
John Fitzgerald
Kennedy once said; “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent
revolution inevitable.” This is where
we are headed if we are not careful. The
people of this Country are steadily abdicating their Governance to the Government, which is ever expanding
and all intrusive. This is definitely
not what the Founding fathers had in mind. In fact, to quote Ben Franklin; “for those
who will give up their liberty for security shall have and deserve neither.”
(Benjamin Franklin). With that in mind, we
have the TSA that steadily gropes women and children, as well as penalize any
and all people that protest their actions.
I have heard stories that go from taking money from passengers, to
smacking a man on the testicles because he objected to the treatment that he
was subjected to. Children are strip
searched and left crying for their mothers just to get on a plane. That’s not my America. The TSA violate the 4th amendment
on a daily basis, and people tolerate it, why?
The TSA is on the roadways, and highways of this nation, stopping and
searching you and without warrant or resistance. They are not even sworn. That means they have not even taken the oath
“to uphold and defend” the Constitution of the United States of America, they have
no authority to enforce law, or anything else.
But you people let them rape you and you kids. Why?
Scared, maybe? After all, Obama
is using the IRS to go after anyone who opposes him. If you are one of those people…..get ready to
be audited. They intend to make it hurt.
I wrote this a while
ago. Why I never posted it I don’t know,
but, as it happens. Tea Party Groups,
Religious Groups and people that were teaching the Constitution were targeted
for audit, and their lives were made as difficult as possible just for filing
for 501-c (3) status. They were audited
and some of the questions that were asked (all under threat of perjury) were
insane! What books did you read? What were the names of the children you
taught? What are the names of the
children you will teach? WOW!!! We know that isn’t legal. Now
not only is there the IRS scandal, but there is the assault on the “free”
press. The AP was bugged. 120 journalists had their phone records
seized. Home, office and private cell
phone records….WHAT? Not in my America. The House of Representatives had their cloak
room and the phone inside bugged. Tie
that all in with what happened in Benghazi, Libya, and you have Pandemonium. Four (4) dead Patriots, and untold lies from
the President and the administration latter, there are more questions than we
have answers. But I guess with the
entire press (with few exceptions like The Blaze, and sometimes FOX News) being
complicit, and none of the citizens complaining, what can we expect? A while back my wife wrote an article she
titled “lemmings.” It was basically
about blindly following the party line at the ballot box (excellent piece). We get what we deserve I guess. But what we have is a nightmare. Stephen King couldn’t make this any more
In the beginning,
there were the “birthers” and the whole argument about Barrys’ (Obama)
eligibility for office (which haven’t entirely been disproven). Then there was voter fraud (Some of it
actually proven). Not too long after
that was “fast and furious.” This is the
operation that the DOJ used to run guns into Mexico to be used in heinous
crimes. It is also the operation that
caused border patrol agents to lose their lives. This operation was done with the intention
of facilitating their intentions to kill, or drastically undermine the second
amendment right to bear arms. Now he
(Barry) is using the IRS as a political weapon, he (Barry) is using the DOJ to
go after the press because they finally are disagreeing with him, and he
(Barry) lets four (4) people die to cover up running weapons to the Syrian
rebels (against an international agreement) and then directs his entire cabinet
to lie about it to cover it up. Richard
Nixon couldn’t have done it better. The
only difference really, is that Nixon KILLED no one!!! This administration has. This President has put Communists, Jihadists,
Muslanimals, and Progressives in his cabinet and in the White House, and used
Executive orders to get around Congress with the sole purpose of “fundamentally
transforming” this Country. He routinely
uses his agencies (IRS, EPA, DOE, DOJ and others) to go after the People who choose
to exercise their “rights” as American citizens. He uses these executive orders and
regulations to go after farmers, home schoolers, religious organizations,
developers, and regular people with home gardens to force the people (the
entire Country) into submission.
Basically saying, I am King Barry, you must comply. Well I for one will not. I will NOT comply with gun control and
further breaches of the second amendment.
Being told what I can eat or feed my child, I will NOT comply. Being forced to remove Jesus and the 10
commandments from our schools and court houses, but allah is OK, I will NOT
comply. Forcing me to shut my mouth
unless I am in a “free speech zone”, I will NOT comply. Arresting the people for possession of a
legally owned weapon, I will NOT comply.
Forcing my children to attend schools with Government supplied
curriculum, I will NOT comply. Invading
my home, my phone, my internet and my e-mail without a warrant, I will NOT
comply. When will we all wake the fuck
up? When we are treated like FDR treated
the Japanese Americans? When we are all
rounded up and put into concentration camps?
Wait Roosevelt called them “relocation centers.” Does that sound better? Does it change the meaning? The hour grows late People. Thomas Jefferson once said that every once in
a while “the tree of liberty needs to be fed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.” Which one are you?