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Rmember this?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why is this so hard?

Well, I guess I could say the classic because; “life is only as hard as you make it.”  That may have been true when our parents grew up, and only for some of us, but most of us (Americans) know during this day and age that this is not exactly the case.  Common sense has gone from our laws.  Equal justice has given way to social justice.  What was once said by Thomas Jefferson “if it neither breaks my leg, nor picks my pocket” no longer applies.  With the Obama administration ruling by administrative fiat (can you say “Dictator?”), things are no longer in our (the peoples) control are they?   We go about our everyday lives.  We are working harder and longer than ever before in our lifetimes, sometimes just to put gas in the car.  Long gone are the days when the wife stayed home and cared for the children and the house.  Now both parents have to work and work hard, sometimes even two jobs just to have what we are used to having, or to keep what we have already worked hard to get.  Those days when working at Friendly’s would pay your rent and buy you enough gas and leave enough cash in your pocket to go on that Friday night date or out with your friends are long since dead.  Our children are not suffering or wanting (yet) because we make sure that they don’t have to.  By putting extra time and effort into the equation we (as American parents) make sure that they are the last to feel what we already know to be true.   We try our best to shelter them from what we already know is a very hard pill to swallow.  That the American dream is dead, that it doesn’t apply to them.  The fact that they will have to work even harder than we did to have less than we do is scary, but true.   Unless we the people fix it, they will never again have what we as a country, as a people and as a (American) family have had.  The Country, as a whole is suffering and the sad part is, it is our children that are going to bear the brunt of it.  They will have to fix it and learn what freedom is and how to fight for it or watch it go away.  Even the Obama voters who bought into the “O”-riginal lie (and you know who you are, I would keep it a secret and remove the bumper stickers) are trying their best to live the way they are accustomed and are failing, but that doesn’t seem to matter.  Instead they choose to live in denial and are trying to justify that MORE and not LESS Socialism is the answer to all the suffering and madness in America.  Deep down they know they are wrong, but instead of admitting it, they will drag the whole Country (and anyone who disagrees with them) into the abyss kicking and screaming if need be, because, they alone know what’s best for you.  You (American People) are too stupid to make your own decisions.  So we (the Progressives) will make them for you, we will protect you from yourself.  It’s for your own good, you’ll see.  “The ends justify the means.”  You will see we are right.  It is this mentality and thought process that has killed and enslaved more people around the world than anything else.  It is Communism, and America as well as freedom is in the (Death) throws of it.  You can call it whatever you want, but a horse by any other color is still a horse.  If you think it is just you and your family that is suffering, you are wrong.  It is your neighbor, your community, your state, our entire Country.  So think again, and don’t feel bad.  Always remember you are not alone.  People all over this (once) great nation are losing their jobs, their houses, their posterity, their health insurance, and finally (I hope) their self-esteem and none of them through any CHOICE of their own.   As a Nation, as a Country, as a people, this is the last thing we can afford to lose, our self-esteem, our very reason for being, our GOD, this is what makes us American.  This is what made this Country and what made us Great.  This is what makes us “exceptional”, what sets us apart from the rest of the world, what makes us who we are, Americans.  Our children need to be taught this.  Yet they are not.  Our children need to be taught the Constitution.  Yet they are not.  While we shelter, coddle and nurture them we fail to teach them. We need to once again teach them what it is that made them who they are; Religion, Faith, Love and respect for one another, the value of hard work, charity, loyalty and most of all we owe them the truth.  We hide from them the truth.  Why?  We send them to public schools where the Government teaches them revisionist history and not accurate facts.  Good and the bad, they need to know them both.  They teach “new math” (what the hells is that) two plus two is not five (but it is if we say it is).  We Give them “participation” trophies and tell them that they are all the best but that’s just not true!  That winning isn’t everything.  Instead we should be telling them “you really stink at this” maybe you should try gymnastics instead ballet, or baseball instead of football, maybe golf is your thing, you might really be good at that.  I know, I know we don’t want to hurt their feelings.  What a bunch of crap!!   Failure and disappointment as well as learning how to accept and learn from it takes effort and that effort builds character and that character is the Character of an American.  Strong willed, honest, ready to fight for what is right, says what he means and means what he says, loyal to a fault because it’s in his blood American.  Have we forgotten this as well?

So, back to my original question:  Why is this so hard?  Because sometimes, the truth hurts and things aren’t always what they seem to be.  Because morals, values and the truth are not things you can compromise (I guess that’s why Congress hates the TEA party).  The hard lesson is always the one you remember and the easy road is always the one that leads to pain.  You will forget how you got there, but you will remember how bad it hurt when you did.  Once our founding principles are lost, weather through the lack of education or the lack of willingness to adhere to them, there will be no going back without an incredible amount of National pain and the loss of National treasure (blood).  By then, it will be too late.  The people who care enough to lose their treasure will be few, the ones who know better will have been killed or died, and the rest will be left to wonder why, and ask what if.  The last line of the Declaration of Independence says “with a firm reliance on the protection of Devine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”  Unless we teach these values to our children, or remember them for ourselves, the fight (I am afraid) will be over before it has even started, and we shall have no one to blame but ourselves for our own demise.  And without these basic truths, our children will not know the difference nor will they understand what was lost, or how. 

With Malice toward none;

Donald Vincent.   

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Obama’s Back Dated & Forged Selective Service Form Hits Washington Times in Full Page Ad

Obama’s Back Dated & Forged Selective Service Form Hits Washington Times in Full Page Ad

American Apathy

By Donald Vincent
Here I sit. Late at night. I am wondering why "We the people' Are standing by......taking (almost ) the same crap we were dealt over 200 years ago by England with not even as much as a whimper. Even our Grandparents would be in the streets and on the field of battle. But today, on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor, we take our right to religion and our right to speak our minds and we just ignore them. We ignore them because "our government" has made it inconvenient to do otherwise, made us scared to be who we are. We give away our privacy and health care and our right to choose over to the taxing agency of an already intrusive government and expect that it will all be better than it was before(?). We put up with "Free Speech Zones" (what the fu** is that ?), and our ability to carry a rifle in public or a small arm in private, why? Because someone might be scared? Or offended (who gives a sh**)? We let our first "black (not really)" President (supposed to be a good thing right?) Take the law into his own hands and Impose social instead of equal justice. We allow him alone decide which laws he likes and wants to enforce, and when and against whom he chooses to enforce them.......Starts to sound a little more and more like what my Grandfather and his father fought AGAINST in WWI, and WWII. Like their fathers before who fought in the war of 1812, or the Civil war, or even the Revolutionary war. Are we that apathetic? Have we grown so dependent that we will not take personal responsibility for our own destiny? Do we care not for our children and our children's children that we will hand over to this monster that we ourselves have created and allowed to live that which was at one time the nature of our very existence? What will become of them? Shall we again give up their rights to the same? What happened to the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness (property)? Does this all die to give rise to the "collective?" To the Government?
My guess is that the majority of you have decided in the affirmative. That government which governs most governs best. That you and yours are incapable of making decisions for yourselves. That your destiny, and the destiny of your family is best left up to the people who know better, the government. May God Bless and protect you from the monster of our creation and Americas demise.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mike Rowe and the S.W.E.A.T pledge.
" data-width="550">
> by TheBlaze.">TheBlaze.>

1. I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time. I am alive. I walk the Earth. I live in America. Above all things, I am grateful.

2. I believe that I am entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing more. I also understand that “happiness” and the “pursuit of happiness” are not the same thing.

3. I believe there is no such thing as a “bad job.” I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and it’s up to me to make the best of them.

4. I do not “follow my passion.” I bring it with me. I believe that any job can be done with passion and enthusiasm.

5. I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it. I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can’t afford.

6. I believe that my safety is my responsibility. I understand that being in “compliance” does not necessarily mean I’m out of danger.

7. I believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is.

8. I believe the most annoying sounds in the world are whining and complaining. I will never make them. If I am unhappy in my work, I will either find a new job, or find a way to be happy.

9. I believe that my education is my responsibility, and absolutely critical to my success. I am resolved to learn as much as I can from whatever source is available to me. I will never stop learning, and understand that library cards are free.

10. I believe that I am a product of my choices – not my circumstances. I will never blame anyone for my shortcomings or the challenges I face. And I will never accept the credit for something I didn’t do.

11. I understand the world is not fair, and I’m OK with that. I do not resent the success of others.

12. I believe that all people are created equal. I also believe that all people make choices. Some choose to be lazy. Some choose to sleep in. I choose to work my butt off.

On my honor, I hereby affirm the above statements to be an accurate summation of my personal worldview. I promise to live by them.

Signed ____________________________________

Dated _____________________________________

Friday, June 7, 2013

FED up....A rant

A prominent radio talk-show host said today that he believes that our Supreme Leader is in the process of a coup de eta. It is my belief that this "coup" started way before his election starting with Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, all setting the Progressive objective into motion. These and all modern day Progressives are slowly but steadily pushing America out of her hard won Constitutional Republic and issuing forth the "Fundamental Transformation" into their Communist Totalitarian utopia. While he (Barry) is putting it into full swing incrementally, he is rapidly speeding up his take over and eventual total destruction of our Constitution. The Utah data center started construction in 2008 was built to house all digital and voice communications that had been collected since the inception of the Patriot act. Rapid expansion of this project had taken place over 7 yrs. ago and is still growing today. From the... collection, capture and storage (Utah) of all telephone, text, e-mail voice and data both recorded and in text and picture form, all keystrokes of your computer to video and voice from any camera or cell phone (on or off) are stored and accessed without a warrant on all Americans from this facility. I have read that this is where the IRS got information for their targeting campaign against Conservative organizations. Where the Obama administration got some damning information on Justice Roberts to swing his votes in the Supreme court, both for the ruling on Obamacare and the recent DNA seizure ruling. They used this readily available information to go after James Rosen ( FOX news reporter) who is now an un-indicted co-conspirator. They used the same information to go after the AP news organization. They will use the same to go after gun owners, protesters, Patriots, Constitutionalists, Libertarians and fat people. When are we, as Americans gonna stand up? When is enough gonna be enough? When will our innate hatred for Tyranny kick in? Where is our King George moment? Why do I even have to ask these questions? Where the hell is the American spirit and Love for Liberty and personal responsibility? What happened to our pledge to "each other, our lives, our fotunes and our sacred honor."? Who the Fuck are we? I think it is time for most of us to be scared, 'cause the rest of us are in hiding and denial. They wont wake up until it is too late for all of us. May God Have mercy on those of you who allow this Great nation to fall without even a whimper.
  Our 1st amendment right to free speech has now been relegated to "free speech zones", but only with the proper permits.  The 2nd amendment has been infringed upon incrementally since the 1930's when the government saw fit to protect themselves from the machine guns of the mafia who were coming to power and wealth by running the recently banned booze during prohibition.  We have lost the protection of the 4th amendment with the patriot act, and the creation of the FISA courts.  The 5th amendment only belongs to criminals of the people and terrorist muslanimals.  What is next?  The third amendment?  Will we soon be quartering troops in our houses?  Or will it be the 22nd amendment, so that Our Supreme leader can stay in office for as long as he can effectively rig and manipulate elections?  Senator Serrano has proposed it's repeal several times already.   States rights (10th amendment) were killed or severely infringed with Obamacare and immigration laws thanks to Justice Roberts and the (used to be ) Supreme court.  Not to mention the EPA.
   The hinge pin:  The second amendment.  They cannot take power from We the people unless we let them.  If we give up our guns either through the UN small arms treaty or by Progressive "common sense" regulation, we, and the republic are doomed.  I only hope that there will be enough of us who "will not comply" to make a difference and keep them at bay.
  Until next time patriots.
D. Gregory Vincent

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I will NOT comply

Well, The Declaration of Independence ends like this:   “with a firm reliance on the protection of Devine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

However, most of us are not aware of exactly what that means.  Basically, what this means is, that with faith in God, we will do what we have to do to protect each other, and our country.  But this is not what is happening.  We are constantly going after one another.  Constantly we are fighting back and forth, Left VS Right.  When really what is needed is smaller Government, moving back to what is known as “Constitutional Governance.”  Unfortunately Rand Paul is not available to guide us now, but he would get us closer to where WE as a country need to be. 

   John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said; “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”   This is where we are headed if we are not careful.  The people of this Country are steadily abdicating their Governance to the Government, which is ever expanding and all intrusive.  This is definitely not what the Founding fathers had in mind.   In fact, to quote Ben Franklin; “for those who will give up their liberty for security shall have and deserve neither.” (Benjamin Franklin).  With that in mind, we have the TSA that steadily gropes women and children, as well as penalize any and all people that protest their actions.  I have heard stories that go from taking money from passengers, to smacking a man on the testicles because he objected to the treatment that he was subjected to.  Children are strip searched and left crying for their mothers just to get on a plane.  That’s not my America.  The TSA violate the 4th amendment on a daily basis, and people tolerate it, why?  The TSA is on the roadways, and highways of this nation, stopping and searching you and without warrant or resistance.  They are not even sworn.  That means they have not even taken the oath “to uphold and defend” the Constitution of the United States of America, they have no authority to enforce law, or anything else.  But you people let them rape you and you kids.  Why?   Scared, maybe?   After all, Obama is using the IRS to go after anyone who opposes him.  If you are one of those people…..get ready to be audited.  They intend to make it hurt.

  I wrote this a while ago.  Why I never posted it I don’t know, but, as it happens.  Tea Party Groups, Religious Groups and people that were teaching the Constitution were targeted for audit, and their lives were made as difficult as possible just for filing for 501-c (3) status.  They were audited and some of the questions that were asked (all under threat of perjury) were insane!   What books did you read?  What were the names of the children you taught?  What are the names of the children you will teach?  WOW!!!  We know that isn’t legal.   Now not only is there the IRS scandal, but there is the assault on the “free” press.  The AP was bugged.  120 journalists had their phone records seized.  Home, office and private cell phone records….WHAT?  Not in my America.  The House of Representatives had their cloak room and the phone inside bugged.  Tie that all in with what happened in Benghazi, Libya, and you have Pandemonium.  Four (4) dead Patriots, and untold lies from the President and the administration latter, there are more questions than we have answers.  But I guess with the entire press (with few exceptions like The Blaze, and sometimes FOX News) being complicit, and none of the citizens complaining, what can we expect?  A while back my wife wrote an article she titled “lemmings.”  It was basically about blindly following the party line at the ballot box (excellent piece).  We get what we deserve I guess.  But what we have is a nightmare.  Stephen King couldn’t make this any more convincing. 

   In the beginning, there were the “birthers” and the whole argument about Barrys’ (Obama) eligibility for office (which haven’t entirely been disproven).  Then there was voter fraud (Some of it actually proven).  Not too long after that was “fast and furious.”  This is the operation that the DOJ used to run guns into Mexico to be used in heinous crimes.  It is also the operation that caused border patrol agents to lose their lives.   This operation was done with the intention of facilitating their intentions to kill, or drastically undermine the second amendment right to bear arms.  Now he (Barry) is using the IRS as a political weapon, he (Barry) is using the DOJ to go after the press because they finally are disagreeing with him, and he (Barry) lets four (4) people die to cover up running weapons to the Syrian rebels (against an international agreement) and then directs his entire cabinet to lie about it to cover it up.  Richard Nixon couldn’t have done it better.  The only difference really, is that Nixon KILLED no one!!!  This administration has.  This President has put Communists, Jihadists, Muslanimals, and Progressives in his cabinet and in the White House, and used Executive orders to get around Congress with the sole purpose of “fundamentally transforming” this Country.  He routinely uses his agencies (IRS, EPA, DOE, DOJ and others) to go after the People who choose to exercise their “rights” as American citizens.  He uses these executive orders and regulations to go after farmers, home schoolers, religious organizations, developers, and regular people with home gardens to force the people (the entire Country) into submission.  Basically saying, I am King Barry, you must comply.  Well I for one will not.  I will NOT comply with gun control and further breaches of the second amendment.  Being told what I can eat or feed my child, I will NOT comply.  Being forced to remove Jesus and the 10 commandments from our schools and court houses, but allah is OK, I will NOT comply.   Forcing me to shut my mouth unless I am in a “free speech zone”, I will NOT comply.  Arresting the people for possession of a legally owned weapon, I will NOT comply.  Forcing my children to attend schools with Government supplied curriculum, I will NOT comply.  Invading my home, my phone, my internet and my e-mail without a warrant, I will NOT comply.  When will we all wake the fuck up?  When we are treated like FDR treated the Japanese Americans?  When we are all rounded up and put into concentration camps?  Wait Roosevelt called them “relocation centers.”  Does that sound better?  Does it change the meaning?  The hour grows late People.  Thomas Jefferson once said that every once in a while “the tree of liberty needs to be fed with the blood of Tyrants and Patriots.”  Which one are you?