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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Attack starts on the 22nd amendmant

Today, while driving home, I heard an the radio something about BHO trying to change the Constitution. I was flabbergasted by what I was listening to. So I went home and I looked it up. When I actually found what I was looking for (hj res 5 ), I just about died.

After taking a long while to reflect on it, I decided to open my e-mail. Contained in my e-mail was an article by "NEWSMAX" containing more of the very same information. An article by Mr.Rick Pedraza was talking about Rush Limbaugh (I wish I had heard it from him). This just confirmed the other radio show, what I had read (hj res 5) and this article by Mr. Pedraza.

In this article he says "upon Obama taking office, Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.), introduced in the house, legislation to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution, which limits Presidents to two consecutive terms or 10 years in office." He goes on to say that Serrano justifies this bill by saying, " until 1951, nothing prevented a President from serving more than two terms."

Apparently, there is also a web site ( that is also taking, and receiving donations to accomplish the same end. According to the same reporter, this site also goes on to say that the people who vote for the President are perfectly capable of deciding how long said President shall stay in office. While I can't totally disagree with the argument, I do disagree with the entire premise.

Term limits were put in place in 1951 for a reason. Our first President, Gen. George Washington said it best when he was asked to run for a third term. He refused cititng the English Monarchy and saying that more than two terms in the office could lead to another monarchy, the transference of power should take place as smoothly as possible and that two terms should be enough time for our president ( not King ) to accomplish what he can and pass the torch to the next. He did this to ensure that the Republic would not fall backwards, but advance as a "Free Nation".

The only time in our history that this precedent was broken was with Franklin Delano Roosevelt who was elected to a fourth term only to die 100 days after his inauguration into it.
This was the first time in the 150 years since, and the very last, as his Vice President Harry S. Truman took office, was re-elected, and was eligible to run for a third term ( after being Grandfathered in with the passage of the 22nd amendment) but he refused to run.

I am a firm believer in term limits as was George Washington. Espescially when it comes to BHO. "The man doesn't want to lead, he wants to rule" ( Rush ). George Washington wanted us to have a chance to succeed without going back to the same thing we left and fought against, Tyrany. BHO thinks that we are inept. That we can't make decisions for ourselves. He is convinced that he can do it better for us, and in fact he believes that is exaclty what we want (need ) him to do. In fact I read once that he told his wife Michelle Back in the day, that if she didn't support his run for the Presidency, he would make sure that she spent the rest of her life homeless, living under a bridge in the streets of Chicago. But if she stood by him, he would ensure that she would be Queen of the world.

That doesn't sound to me like a President I would cede term limits to........You?

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