Just a little commentary;
I had to watch it twice, or should I say suffer through it. While I find BHO to be articulate, well spoken, and (some would say) charismatic when he is speaking, he never really says anything. I was hoping that this time would be different. It wasn't. I know as much now about this 1,018 page document ( bill )as I did prior to this little rant session. He only took 11 questions this time instead of the normal scripted thirteen, and he danced (quite elegantly I might add ) around all of them except for the one about racial profiling.
He was asked several direct questions. The one that put me on the edge of my seat came from a reporter in Ohio. He asked (and I'm paraphrasing here) BHO flat out if he would reject any portion of the bill that would refuse to allow treatment options that the government deemed as un-necessary there-by removing any choice and decision making between Doctor and patient and placing your health care decisions squarely on the shoulder of bureaucrats and a larger government rather than where they belong.
After what seemed to me to be an hour of unrelated talk without saying much of anything related to the question, he moved on without answering it in the same direct fashion it was posed. I was disappointed to say the least, but it was what I have come to expect from that wannabe.
I did however learn one thing. That what my mom always told me about first impression actually does apply. Even in this case. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I should not expect anything of substance to come out of that mans mouth. He may speak it eloquently ( in front of a tele-prompter) but most of it is still bullshit. False figures, misquotes, inaccurate accounting of events and lots of smoke and mirrors. I guess that's all we are gonna get from him. My grandfather used to say if you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, baffle them with bullshit. Maybe BHO knew him.

I hope to use this little space as a sounding board to voice my political "opinion", about the gradual but steady dissolving of the constitution of the United States of America. I would also like to bring governance back to "WE THE PEOPLE" and away from greedy politicians who care only about lining their own pockets and ignoring the voice of "WE THE PEOPLE" that they have been elected to represent.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
According to the "century Dictionary";
"The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treatury; specific violation by a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state ( "high treason") in the case of the United States consisting ""only in levying war against them, or in ad hearing to their enemies, giving them aide and comfort" (U.S. Constitution iii. 3.1).
"The betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treatury; specific violation by a subject of his allegiance to his sovereign or to the state ( "high treason") in the case of the United States consisting ""only in levying war against them, or in ad hearing to their enemies, giving them aide and comfort" (U.S. Constitution iii. 3.1).
The "reset button" for AMERICA
We as Americans realize two things when it comes to health care. One is that it is too expensive. The other is that it could use an overhaul, and a little streamlining.
Starting with the first; What makes health care so expensive is a very complicated issue. Most of the cost is on the provider side of the equation. The Doctor has to make enough money to cover all of his student loans, and still be able to make a living and provide for his family. Then, he, or she must pay for mal-practice insurance. I don't know if anyone other than a health care provider actually understands how ridiculously expensive that is. However, In this litigious society that we live in, it is a must. This expense for the Doctor is often so high that he or she cannot even afford to be in his or her own practice, and the insurance companies love that. This forces them to work in hospitals for less money, and makes them a "deeper pocket" from which to extort higher premiums, and pay higher awards for the frivolous suits. See how this all comes together?
There are ways to fix it though. one of the first steps would be to prevent frivolous law suits, and to cap awards on the ones that have merit, but are not severe, leaving the really serious cases without cap only. This would drastically lower the rates of this insurance for the health-care provider, and they would then be able to pass this savings down to the patient.
The problem with this is that the insurance companies, and the lawyers are making a killing with things the way they are. The lawyers make the money on the frivolous suits, and the insurers make a killing with the exorbitant fees they are charging the health care provider. The legal system makes tons of money with the filling fees and court costs associated with these suits, and the Federal Government gets its taxes from the award. They also have huge lobbying firms that are getting millions of dollars every year to make sure that this doesn't change in a way that will negatively reflect on their bottom line while everyone else in the equation is left to suffer its' negative effects on prosperity and society as a whole.
Even those of us who have health care benefits at work know that our cost for insurance is never paid in full by the employer, the balance of which is payed for by direct debit right from your paycheck. I know that I pay for my family coverage to the tune of $283.75 every pay period. That's almost $600.00/monthly !!! Yet I still need to reach a minimum, make co-pays and cover ridiculous deductibles. That is a Mortgage payment for allot of Americans. I know when I have trouble making ends meet, if it weren't for my son, I would cancel my coverage altogether and invest it, or pay my house off.
It is this anger, the anger of WE THE PEOPLE that is fueling this whole thing on Capitol hill. The bleeding heart Uber-left wing liberal socialists are using this as the impetus to drive a single payer, government run program down the necks of WE THE PEOPLE. They don't care if we choke on it. They believe that Government should take care of everyone, and that freedom of choice is not relevant to their cause. They will raise all of our taxes. The burden will ultimately fall on small business ( the source of almost 90% of all jobs in this country ), forcing the majority of the cost of this plan on them will not only put them out of business and allot of hard working Americans out of work, but it will also make entrepreneurs who want to start a business think more than twice about doing so. That means there will be less jobs available to all of us. Big businesses will move overseas faster than they already are, putting more people out of work. Our economy will come to a screeching halt. This along with CAP and TAX, will kill the Dollar, and usher in a world currency, with a global Government (probably run by the U.N. with the French in charge). Then it's bye-bye to our Constitution, and our whole way of life. 233 years and lots of blood spilled by our fathers to keep us free will have gone right in the toilet. My father-in law who fought in every major European campaign of WW-II is probably rolling in his grave and wishing he were buried on that beach in France ( They should all be speaking German ).
Our elected officials, and BHO in particular, swore an oath to protect and defend us from enemies foreign, and domestic. As far as I am concerned they have become this enemy and broken this oath or affirmation. This is the very meaning of treason. It is time to stand up and fight America, like my father-in law, and take our country back from the very people who wish to destroy our Constitution, and our entire way of life. I believe there is still time to do it peacefully, and legally, but we must do it quickly, and thoroughly, or even this option will be lost, and American blood will again have to be spilled on the very ground we walk on. Fertilizing the land of liberty so that we may once again live as a free people, far away from the oppression of taxation without representation and tyranny.
Starting with the first; What makes health care so expensive is a very complicated issue. Most of the cost is on the provider side of the equation. The Doctor has to make enough money to cover all of his student loans, and still be able to make a living and provide for his family. Then, he, or she must pay for mal-practice insurance. I don't know if anyone other than a health care provider actually understands how ridiculously expensive that is. However, In this litigious society that we live in, it is a must. This expense for the Doctor is often so high that he or she cannot even afford to be in his or her own practice, and the insurance companies love that. This forces them to work in hospitals for less money, and makes them a "deeper pocket" from which to extort higher premiums, and pay higher awards for the frivolous suits. See how this all comes together?
There are ways to fix it though. one of the first steps would be to prevent frivolous law suits, and to cap awards on the ones that have merit, but are not severe, leaving the really serious cases without cap only. This would drastically lower the rates of this insurance for the health-care provider, and they would then be able to pass this savings down to the patient.
The problem with this is that the insurance companies, and the lawyers are making a killing with things the way they are. The lawyers make the money on the frivolous suits, and the insurers make a killing with the exorbitant fees they are charging the health care provider. The legal system makes tons of money with the filling fees and court costs associated with these suits, and the Federal Government gets its taxes from the award. They also have huge lobbying firms that are getting millions of dollars every year to make sure that this doesn't change in a way that will negatively reflect on their bottom line while everyone else in the equation is left to suffer its' negative effects on prosperity and society as a whole.
Even those of us who have health care benefits at work know that our cost for insurance is never paid in full by the employer, the balance of which is payed for by direct debit right from your paycheck. I know that I pay for my family coverage to the tune of $283.75 every pay period. That's almost $600.00/monthly !!! Yet I still need to reach a minimum, make co-pays and cover ridiculous deductibles. That is a Mortgage payment for allot of Americans. I know when I have trouble making ends meet, if it weren't for my son, I would cancel my coverage altogether and invest it, or pay my house off.
It is this anger, the anger of WE THE PEOPLE that is fueling this whole thing on Capitol hill. The bleeding heart Uber-left wing liberal socialists are using this as the impetus to drive a single payer, government run program down the necks of WE THE PEOPLE. They don't care if we choke on it. They believe that Government should take care of everyone, and that freedom of choice is not relevant to their cause. They will raise all of our taxes. The burden will ultimately fall on small business ( the source of almost 90% of all jobs in this country ), forcing the majority of the cost of this plan on them will not only put them out of business and allot of hard working Americans out of work, but it will also make entrepreneurs who want to start a business think more than twice about doing so. That means there will be less jobs available to all of us. Big businesses will move overseas faster than they already are, putting more people out of work. Our economy will come to a screeching halt. This along with CAP and TAX, will kill the Dollar, and usher in a world currency, with a global Government (probably run by the U.N. with the French in charge). Then it's bye-bye to our Constitution, and our whole way of life. 233 years and lots of blood spilled by our fathers to keep us free will have gone right in the toilet. My father-in law who fought in every major European campaign of WW-II is probably rolling in his grave and wishing he were buried on that beach in France ( They should all be speaking German ).
Our elected officials, and BHO in particular, swore an oath to protect and defend us from enemies foreign, and domestic. As far as I am concerned they have become this enemy and broken this oath or affirmation. This is the very meaning of treason. It is time to stand up and fight America, like my father-in law, and take our country back from the very people who wish to destroy our Constitution, and our entire way of life. I believe there is still time to do it peacefully, and legally, but we must do it quickly, and thoroughly, or even this option will be lost, and American blood will again have to be spilled on the very ground we walk on. Fertilizing the land of liberty so that we may once again live as a free people, far away from the oppression of taxation without representation and tyranny.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Ruler amongst us
Just a few thoughts:
Since the inauguration of the anointed one (Barack HUSIEN Obama), the Democratic party and uber-left wingers like Mr. Bob Beckle (sorry) and Nancy Pelosi, have done nothing but blame the outgoing administration for everything that is wrong with the country. The uber-left, and the elected Democrats of the PEOPLES' government, as well as certain republicans (who want to be Democrats) have done nothing but follow the ACORN map. This map, if I understand it correctly, is to mobilize the "disenfranchised" and poor people against banks, small business, big business, and eventually our very foundation, the Constitution of the United States of America. The Goal, apparently, is to bring forth so much destabilisation in these areas that the Federal Government thinks it has no choice but to step in and "fix it". Global Warming (cap and tax), health care (single payer system), Bailouts of failing business and forced bankruptcies, . These are just a few examples of this transformation into Socialism (left wing ideals).
It's rely the "fix it" part that scares me the most. Most of these people probably can't even change the oil (I know, that's a bad word these days) in their cars (they probably don't even drive them). If there were still full service stations around, they wouldn't even know how to pump their own gas (another bad word). The sad truth is, that people like this not only make me sick, they are running (ruining) the country. The very people that WE THE PEOPLE elected to PROTECT and DEFEND us and the CONSTITUTION are drafting the legislation to ensure the bankruptcy of the entire country one piece at a time, and they are starting with WE THE PEOPLE. Now, the government can decide which contracts they like, and which ones they don't, and change them as they see fit. This enables them to decide how much money you can make, and whether or not you are eligible to receive a previously contractual bonus or not, and for how much. If that doesn't work, they just threaten to tax the dog snot out of it so you don't get it anyway. These People could get lost in a paper bag. Now they want to control your health care. They started with the seat belt law, saying that they were trying to save lives. Then it was cigarettes for the same reason. The next choice they steal from you will be Mc Donalds', then maybe an MRI or your cancer medication ('cause your gonna die anyway), and then candy 'cause if you didn't eat it they wouldn't have to pay for your insulin. Since when does the government have the right or the legal authority to protect me from myself. I have two words to say about that, and they aren't happy birthday.
Taxing people under the cover of darkness (transparency) is not the way to "fix it", it's the way to finish it. They are already going after the 2ND amendment, your right to bear arms. Without the second, there is no first. Then state sovereignty (10Th), and the 22ND, presidential term limits. Whats next? Your first born I guess. Oh yeah, parental rights, they want them too.
Since the inauguration of the anointed one (Barack HUSIEN Obama), the Democratic party and uber-left wingers like Mr. Bob Beckle (sorry) and Nancy Pelosi, have done nothing but blame the outgoing administration for everything that is wrong with the country. The uber-left, and the elected Democrats of the PEOPLES' government, as well as certain republicans (who want to be Democrats) have done nothing but follow the ACORN map. This map, if I understand it correctly, is to mobilize the "disenfranchised" and poor people against banks, small business, big business, and eventually our very foundation, the Constitution of the United States of America. The Goal, apparently, is to bring forth so much destabilisation in these areas that the Federal Government thinks it has no choice but to step in and "fix it". Global Warming (cap and tax), health care (single payer system), Bailouts of failing business and forced bankruptcies, . These are just a few examples of this transformation into Socialism (left wing ideals).
It's rely the "fix it" part that scares me the most. Most of these people probably can't even change the oil (I know, that's a bad word these days) in their cars (they probably don't even drive them). If there were still full service stations around, they wouldn't even know how to pump their own gas (another bad word). The sad truth is, that people like this not only make me sick, they are running (ruining) the country. The very people that WE THE PEOPLE elected to PROTECT and DEFEND us and the CONSTITUTION are drafting the legislation to ensure the bankruptcy of the entire country one piece at a time, and they are starting with WE THE PEOPLE. Now, the government can decide which contracts they like, and which ones they don't, and change them as they see fit. This enables them to decide how much money you can make, and whether or not you are eligible to receive a previously contractual bonus or not, and for how much. If that doesn't work, they just threaten to tax the dog snot out of it so you don't get it anyway. These People could get lost in a paper bag. Now they want to control your health care. They started with the seat belt law, saying that they were trying to save lives. Then it was cigarettes for the same reason. The next choice they steal from you will be Mc Donalds', then maybe an MRI or your cancer medication ('cause your gonna die anyway), and then candy 'cause if you didn't eat it they wouldn't have to pay for your insulin. Since when does the government have the right or the legal authority to protect me from myself. I have two words to say about that, and they aren't happy birthday.
Taxing people under the cover of darkness (transparency) is not the way to "fix it", it's the way to finish it. They are already going after the 2ND amendment, your right to bear arms. Without the second, there is no first. Then state sovereignty (10Th), and the 22ND, presidential term limits. Whats next? Your first born I guess. Oh yeah, parental rights, they want them too.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Attack starts on the 22nd amendmant
Today, while driving home, I heard an the radio something about BHO trying to change the Constitution. I was flabbergasted by what I was listening to. So I went home and I looked it up. When I actually found what I was looking for (hj res 5 ), I just about died.
After taking a long while to reflect on it, I decided to open my e-mail. Contained in my e-mail was an article by "NEWSMAX" containing more of the very same information. An article by Mr.Rick Pedraza was talking about Rush Limbaugh (I wish I had heard it from him). This just confirmed the other radio show, what I had read (hj res 5) and this article by Mr. Pedraza.
In this article he says "upon Obama taking office, Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.), introduced in the house, legislation to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution, which limits Presidents to two consecutive terms or 10 years in office." He goes on to say that Serrano justifies this bill by saying, " until 1951, nothing prevented a President from serving more than two terms."
Apparently, there is also a web site (end22.com) that is also taking, and receiving donations to accomplish the same end. According to the same reporter, this site also goes on to say that the people who vote for the President are perfectly capable of deciding how long said President shall stay in office. While I can't totally disagree with the argument, I do disagree with the entire premise.
Term limits were put in place in 1951 for a reason. Our first President, Gen. George Washington said it best when he was asked to run for a third term. He refused cititng the English Monarchy and saying that more than two terms in the office could lead to another monarchy, the transference of power should take place as smoothly as possible and that two terms should be enough time for our president ( not King ) to accomplish what he can and pass the torch to the next. He did this to ensure that the Republic would not fall backwards, but advance as a "Free Nation".
The only time in our history that this precedent was broken was with Franklin Delano Roosevelt who was elected to a fourth term only to die 100 days after his inauguration into it.
This was the first time in the 150 years since, and the very last, as his Vice President Harry S. Truman took office, was re-elected, and was eligible to run for a third term ( after being Grandfathered in with the passage of the 22nd amendment) but he refused to run.
I am a firm believer in term limits as was George Washington. Espescially when it comes to BHO. "The man doesn't want to lead, he wants to rule" ( Rush ). George Washington wanted us to have a chance to succeed without going back to the same thing we left and fought against, Tyrany. BHO thinks that we are inept. That we can't make decisions for ourselves. He is convinced that he can do it better for us, and in fact he believes that is exaclty what we want (need ) him to do. In fact I read once that he told his wife Michelle Back in the day, that if she didn't support his run for the Presidency, he would make sure that she spent the rest of her life homeless, living under a bridge in the streets of Chicago. But if she stood by him, he would ensure that she would be Queen of the world.
That doesn't sound to me like a President I would cede term limits to........You?
After taking a long while to reflect on it, I decided to open my e-mail. Contained in my e-mail was an article by "NEWSMAX" containing more of the very same information. An article by Mr.Rick Pedraza was talking about Rush Limbaugh (I wish I had heard it from him). This just confirmed the other radio show, what I had read (hj res 5) and this article by Mr. Pedraza.
In this article he says "upon Obama taking office, Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.), introduced in the house, legislation to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution, which limits Presidents to two consecutive terms or 10 years in office." He goes on to say that Serrano justifies this bill by saying, " until 1951, nothing prevented a President from serving more than two terms."
Apparently, there is also a web site (end22.com) that is also taking, and receiving donations to accomplish the same end. According to the same reporter, this site also goes on to say that the people who vote for the President are perfectly capable of deciding how long said President shall stay in office. While I can't totally disagree with the argument, I do disagree with the entire premise.
Term limits were put in place in 1951 for a reason. Our first President, Gen. George Washington said it best when he was asked to run for a third term. He refused cititng the English Monarchy and saying that more than two terms in the office could lead to another monarchy, the transference of power should take place as smoothly as possible and that two terms should be enough time for our president ( not King ) to accomplish what he can and pass the torch to the next. He did this to ensure that the Republic would not fall backwards, but advance as a "Free Nation".
The only time in our history that this precedent was broken was with Franklin Delano Roosevelt who was elected to a fourth term only to die 100 days after his inauguration into it.
This was the first time in the 150 years since, and the very last, as his Vice President Harry S. Truman took office, was re-elected, and was eligible to run for a third term ( after being Grandfathered in with the passage of the 22nd amendment) but he refused to run.
I am a firm believer in term limits as was George Washington. Espescially when it comes to BHO. "The man doesn't want to lead, he wants to rule" ( Rush ). George Washington wanted us to have a chance to succeed without going back to the same thing we left and fought against, Tyrany. BHO thinks that we are inept. That we can't make decisions for ourselves. He is convinced that he can do it better for us, and in fact he believes that is exaclty what we want (need ) him to do. In fact I read once that he told his wife Michelle Back in the day, that if she didn't support his run for the Presidency, he would make sure that she spent the rest of her life homeless, living under a bridge in the streets of Chicago. But if she stood by him, he would ensure that she would be Queen of the world.
That doesn't sound to me like a President I would cede term limits to........You?
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