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Friday, June 26, 2015


Today, Friday 26 June 2015, The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has just sealed our fate as a Nation.  This morning, the nine (in)justices on the panel decided in a 5-4 decision that the Constitution for the United States of America, under the 14th amendment makes same sex marriages legal in all 50 states.  In so doing, the “Supreme” court has decided to come out of the closet.  Stepping (finally) into the light to reveal for all to see what they and this government really are and finally state openly how it really works in this country.   That MANS’ law is the supreme law of the land and that our Judeo-Christian heritage as well as our founding was inconsequential of this/them/their laws.  The laws of God and of Nature (natural/common law) have been abrogated.  They could have, and more than likely should have gone with the 10th amendment (states’ rights) and left the decision as to whether or not to allow this abomination to take place entirely up to the individual and sovereign states to decide on their own what is to be done on this issue.  This, at least, would have taken the decision away from the Federal or National government (they never had the power “Constitutionally” or otherwise to make) and made the states responsible for their own actions.  This might have deferred the Lords judgement to the individual states (I said “May”) but Instead, in all their infinite wisdom, they have decided to make it a “National” decision, one that will now be considered to have been made by all of us as a Country, as a Nation, as a People, as a  whole.  And as such WE THE PEOPLE, once again have been subverted by the government that was once created to be for, of, and by the People.  Our Government, an AMERICAN Government, a Republic (not a Democracy) was set up for the sole purpose of doing only a few things on its own.  The power of this government was severely limited in both scope and power on purpose, because WE THE PEOPLE were the government, and those who we elected to serve us within the government would take their orders from the people.  Now sadly, they have affirmed that it is firmly the other way around.  The People of this once great Nation are now (and haven’t been for a long time) no longer the “Sovereign”.  We are now the servants (surfs) of an all-powerful fascist dictatorship, WE THE PEOPLE have effectively and methodically been re-enslaved.  For our complicity in this now affirmed action our last vestiges of freedom, our birthright, our heritage and our culture will now be completely destroyed.  The only thing that will change about this process will be the speed and the openness our new form of government will use to completely wipe out what remains of the old Republic.  That is the best part, the good news as-it-were.   

    The bad news is that in a bold and blatant act of defiance to God and the Republic our new self- appointed Government has forced all of us to face the coming judgement and wrath of God.  The day of reckoning is upon us all.  Though it is said that “only the Father shall know the day and the hour” the signs are all before us.  It is up to the church now.  They must be and remain defiant of this amoral dictatorship and finally stand for the truth.  They must leave their precious 501-c (3) and their love of money and go back to preaching the word of GOD.  They must join together and stand as one in the final battle for freedom and the restoration of God and Natures law.  Only when this happens (or more appropriately IF this happens) can we ever hope to avoid the coming “hell on earth”.  If we ever hope to regain the Republic and take back our liberty we must first as a Nation get back to and get right with GOD.  The founders of this once great Nation said “with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”  If we ever hope to regain any of those things as a country and a people, we MUST work hard and together to defeat the unrelenting work and reverse the 100 yrs. of progress (ives) made by these Godless and Evil people who control this once great Nation and the land of the free.  May the Lord have mercy on us.   Oh, and by-the-way, if this offends anyone, it may be that it’s too late for you anyhow and too bad.

  This insert is taken from NEWSMAX with a link to the article there.  These are quotes form Justice Scalia who wrote a scathing decent on the decision to day.  Here are the quotes (via Newsmax):

Scalia's dissent was among the strongest:

"The substance of today’s decree is not of immense personal importance to me," he wrote. "It is of overwhelming importance, however, who it is that rules me. Today’s decree says that my Ruler, and the Ruler of 320 million Americans coast-to-coast, is a majority of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court. Until the courts put a stop to it, public debate over same-sex marriage displayed American democracy at its best." 

"But the Court ends this debate, in an opinion lacking even a thin veneer of law," Scalia argued. "Buried beneath the mummeries and straining-to-be-memorable passages of the opinion is a candid and startling assertion: No matter what it was the People ratified, the Fourteenth Amendment protects those rights that the Judiciary, in its 'reasoned judgment,' thinks the Fourteenth Amendment ought to protect."

Scalia took the harshest tones against the majority:

"The opinion is couched in a style that is as pretentious as its content is egotistic," he writes. "If, even as the price to be paid for a fifth vote, I ever joined an opinion for the Court that began: 'The Constitution promises liberty to all within its reach, a liberty that includes certain specific rights that allow persons, within a lawful realm, to define and express their identity,' I would hide my head in a bag. The Supreme Court of the United States has descended from the disciplined legal reasoning of John Marshall and Joseph Story to the mystical aphorisms of the fortune cookie.

"And to allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation," he argued. "But what really astounds is the hubris reflected in today’s judicial Putsch."

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Sunday, June 7, 2015


image courtesy of google

    I was a United States Navy Hospital Corpsman for a time.  The training I received in the Navy was incredible and very useful to me both in my service to my Country and in my civilian life.  I later became a Paramedic and served the civilian sector both in the hospital setting and on the streets.  I have taught classes as an instructor as well.  As a Corpsman, I didn’t receive a lot of weapons training, or get a lot of battlefield tactics and/or tactical movement instruction, but what training I did get in this area I found very interesting and quite useful later on.  The reason I go into all of this in the beginning of this little dissertation is to give you a brief history and a little background for where my conclusions will be coming from in this article.  Furthermore, I will state briefly my frustration with “Geopolitics”, the election process, our elected officials and the corruption that is all invasive within the current system as it has morphed into over the last 100 or so years.  The lies, the deceit and the un-willingness of our Government and our elected officials to follow and adhere to the Constitution for the United States I find very disturbing to me at my very core.  More-so, I find the apathy or ignorance of the American people to what is going on all around us simply unforgivable in most instances.  There are a couple of terms I can use here i.e.: “Useful Idiots”, Sheeple, willfully ignorant and so forth.  I will even throw in “Cognitive dissonance” just to add a technical term.  I tried for a time to get my neighbors (although few and far between) to get together and form a type of preparedness group, or neighborhood protection force if you will.  They all acted as though I were crazy and blew me off with no interest in even a way of keeping in touch like radio or walkie-talkies.  Like most people, they live in, and want to stay in that little river in Egypt we refer to as denial (the Nile).

    Now, there are a lot of different types of organizations out there.  Your lll%’ers, your State Defense force (not all States have this option) Oath Keepers, Local groups and your State Militia just to name a few.  There are others out there as well as websites that claim they will put you in touch with groups in your area that you can find out there.  One such website would be (Well Regulated American Militia) although I am not very fond of this site for personal reasons if you join there to get connected to a local group and avoid getting too involved there you should do well.

    What I have found in my search was that there is a very broad spectrum of people, attitudes, beliefs, ideologies and skill sets.  In most, organizational skills and forethought are not within the forefront of the loosely organized and often very opinionated small groups.  Each has their benefits and it is not a “one size fits all” kind of movement (for lack of a better term) so don’t jump in blindly.  Most, if not all, claim to be based on the military unit structure and even have some members with prior military backgrounds.  Others are just loose bands of like-minded people trying to learn from other members of the group things they didn’t know that will help them in their journey to become better prepared for a life they know is very different than it was, and is about to get exponentially worse.  It is up to you to decide which type of group is best for you and your situation.  You will find that the people contained in each “organization” just like in life, are very diverse and different so the personalities within the group should be just as big of a priority in your choice as their beliefs and their mission statement, though I have also found the a “mission statement” is often more for show than for “GO”.  Though there are exceptions to that as well. 

    The group that I chose I have been with for two years.  There is a constant flow of people both in and out.  This group is large and encompasses small groups (platoons) throughout the state.  There are a lot of members with prior service from the Vietnam conflict to the recent stuff going down in the Middle East.  The training is often disorganized and repetitive.  However with patience, I have found that the information gleaned will be, or is, very useful.  It can be confusing as these people want to train as though they are a fighting force but they are not.  The command is firmly in the “defensive” mode.  They want nothing to do at all with taking a pro-active stance or an aggressive posture.  The command structure makes constant statements to the effect that the People of the Nation are being told that the Militia are “terrorists” and are anti-Government and that they should be afraid of us.  When the actual truth is the complete opposite, the Militia is here to help the civilian population in need and in fact does so all the time.  Even when not called upon to act, they do.  Yet, when they are asked to embark on a public relations campaign such as a blood drive or other charity event in the public eye to alleviate or combat that stigma they balk.  Their fear of reprisal from the government for doing nothing wrong is too great of a burden for them to even consider.  So they stay in the shadows and continue to question why they are losing the P.R. battle.  People who think like that will never fight for you or your family.  They will run and hide leaving you and yours to defend yourselves from the inevitable.

     So, in conclusion, even with a good bunch of guys/gals in your “organization”, you cannot expect too much assistance when push comes to shove. They are often spread too far and too thin.  The time it will take them to muster in an emergent situation could be days rather than hours or minutes.  You would be better served calling the police if they have not yet become the overt enemy.  As a defensive force in pockets, I am still not convinced of the effectiveness and/or the willingness they possess to really get involved.  Most of what I have seen is the lack of resolve and the willingness to admit that the fight to come is inevitable, not if, but when.  However, the knowledge that can be obtained from getting involved is incredible and very much worth the effort it will take to gain it.  That effort will undoubtedly take time, expenditure of funds for equipment and lots of gas and travel time. It can also be a great deal of fun if you have the right people involved with you. So, to answer the opening question, while I have had a very limited exposure to these groups, some are obviously better than others depending on their intended purpose while others act the part and are too timid to be useful.  The bottom line I guess is that unless your group is well trained and located within a ten mile radius of you with ample communications, you are really no better off than you were before joining with the exception of the knowledge you have picked up along the way.  To expect anything more from the experience could get you in more trouble than you had before you started.  The following is a good video.  It will give you a little different insight as to a Pastors viewpoint.  The video is courtesy of Viking preparedness on youtube.


Monday, June 1, 2015

Taken from Zero hedge with all credit to go there.

Five Reasons Why America Is Done

Tyler Durden's picture

That's done.  As in baked, cooked, finis.
Let's just look at the charges and specifications of late, shall we?
  • Big US and Global Banks have admitted (that is, have been convicted) of multiple criminal offenses over the last several years.  partial list can be found here; let me remind everyone that an ordinary person who commits three felonies, even if some of them are very minor in comparison to any of the listed ones here in impact and they take place over a period of decades, goes away for life under long-existing three strikes laws.  All four of the banks listed in that dissent have three or more "convictions" and thus all of them should be dissolved as they are obviously incapable of modifying their behavior.  Nonetheless literally tens of millions of Americans and American corporations not only refuse to stand and demand that these charters be revoked they voluntarily do business with one or more of these firms!
  • We have a medical and insurance industry in this country that routinely, on a daily basis, engages in behavior that can easily be described as meeting the criteria for fraud, bid-rigging, racketeering and routinely uses the threat of both bankruptcy and violence by government goons to get what it wants.  This "industry" routinely, for example, bills for things they didn't actually do, sends people bills for hundreds or thousands of dollars for someone sticking their head in a door and saying "Hello", allows "off-plan" doctors to treat people without their consent exposing them to thousands (or tens of thousands!) in unauthorized charges and then enforces those "charges", takes drugs off the market that they produce so that the only remaining options are those made by the same company but are under patent and more.  The single most-common cause of bankruptcy in this country is medical debt incurred as a direct result of these practices and these practices are where the so-called "need" for Obamacare, that is now resulting in demands for 50% premium hikes in some markets for the next year, came from.  Yet we, as a nation and as a people, routinely consent to this crap and allow these corporations, institutions and individuals to continue their outrageous acts of pillagedaily.
  • We have a former Secretary of State who now wants to be President but while Secretary of State her private family foundation took tens of millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments that were, at the same time, lobbying the very State Department she was in charge of for permission to buy over a hundred billion dollars worth of weapons.  How this fails to qualify as a federal crime is beyond me given that a foreign agent is unable to buy a Senator lunch.  Irrespective of whether this leads to indictments it is outrageous that such a person can be considered as fit to be President by anyone irrespective of party or other affiliation; that any material percentage of our voting population would cast a vote for such a person proves beyond any doubt that the majority of voters in this country are literally suicidal.
  • We have law enforcement agencies that actually claim in court through filed, sworn documents that when they throw a bomb into a baby's crib as they attempt to raid a house and the person they are seeking isn't there (because they didn't bother to confirm he was there), leading to the infant being critically injured, that it is the infant's fault that its face was blown off because it failed to move out of the way of said thrown bomb while it was sleeping in its crib.  In other words we, as a nation, sit silently while government agencies claim the right to blow the face off innocent infants because they are too lazy to bother with ordinary police work.  We could indict the government goons who refuse to wait for the person they want to arrest to depart wherever they are and thus make it possible for the police to arrest them without grievously injuring innocent children who had exactly nothing to do with the acts the accused is alleged of committing, but instead we allow innocent children to be grievously injured or killed due to the laziness and malfeasance of these so-called "boys in blue" and even allow to go unchallenged claims that said goons are there to "protect and serve" the public!
  • We have entire legislatures that engage with lobbyists to let them write and vote on laws they then rubber stampWhen caught by the press (good work, by the way) the members of the press who catch them are literally thrown out of a hotel they paid to stay at by men with firearms who are in fact off-duty cops -- cops that, I remind you, draw their salaries directly and indirectly from that same legislature!
I could go on, but why?
Until and unless we at least resolve all five of the above, and everyone involved wears an orange jumpsuit and has their corporate and institutional edifices closed down with the ill-gotten gains disbursed back to their victims we are, as a nation, DONE.
And more to the point we have all collectively consented as well.