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Rmember this?

Rmember this?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Donald Vincent

07 October 2014



 I know that I have mentioned this before in a previous article, but I feel Obligated to broach this again.  It is weighing heavily on my heart as well as in my soul.



    I am of the firm belief that Barack (Insane) Obama really wants the above picture to be his legacy.  I talk to people every day.  We speak of football both collegiate and the NFL.  Baseball and the World Series, but try to talk about Ebola or the Government, or the economic failures of this administration and they tune you right out.  Are you one of those?   So entrenched are they in the entertainment world and sports that they lack the willingness to even engage in their duty, their responsibility to be the 4th branch of government as prescribed by the Constitution and bill of rights.  I’m heartbroken and dismayed by having to say that “We the People” (not all, but most) have willingly abdicated their sovereignty and given their freedom, their God given rights and their very dignity over to an all-powerful Government and an Imperial President.  The blood spilled by all of our families and their families spilled on this soil to secure those God given rights for ourselves and our posterity has now officially been spilled in vain.  Their death and their sacrifices have all been wasted upon a useless, worthless bunch of pathetic, Government dependent Neo-slaves.  These Neo-Subjects will now, undoubtedly, get what they deserve, Subjugation by the all -powerful government that they, themselves have created both for them and their posterity, but I will not comply.  I hope that their children will eventually see the light and correct their path so that they come back to the fold of freedom and self-reliance, but, I don’t hold much faith in that.  You have taught them well.  They have learned from you that Capitalism and self- determination are selfish and un-fair to others whom don’t’ have the drive to succeed in life.  By your hand you have created the next Generation of Government dependent neo-Communists that will forever walk in the indenture of your ineptitude and cowardice.  What a great legacy.  Don’t you think?  This Is the legacy you really want to leave?    I know Stalin, Mao, Alynski, Che and Pol Pot would be proud to have left this to their families.  Will you?  Are you?  After all It is up to you.  Are you willing to make that change?  That change back to self-governance?  I don’t think so (chicken shit), but, you can prove me wrong, I hope that you do, in fact I’m begging you…..please, prove me wrong. 


    For the rest of us, the three per centers, we will fight. WE (the real) People, the ones who take umbrage with what you have allowed yourselves to become, we, will fight.  How you may ask?  I hope that we never have to find out.  For the Revolution will be brutal, long and hard fought.  We the People will once again take (again, by force if necessary)  control over “our lives, our fortune and our sacred honor”, while you, the willing slaves will once again come from the shadows to try to once again steal from us what we have fought so hard to re-gain……..and re-gain for all of us.  And thus, your Ilk will start the cycle toward despotism once again.  The difference will be that our children will grow up knowing the reason, the truth and the light and they will never again allow your children to attempt the subjugation that you subjected your children to (Intentionally?).  You will at that time and there- after, be defeated before you can even start.  We are the modern day Militia, and you are now, as you were before, Tories, believing now as you did then (in the first Revolution) that the all-powerful sovereign will put your best interest before their profit and personal goals of power and control,  Shame on your ignorance, lack of self –confidence, self- respect, self-determination and self-reliance.  I pray God will have mercy on your soul.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Donald Vincent

    I will just start this post out with a question:  Is Barry Soetorro/Barrack Hussein Obama crazy, or is he a sick twisted globalist intentionally inflicting damage to the Country and the Constitution ?  Or, is he the Manchurian President Groomed for the office and being handled by the likes of the CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), the Trilateral commission and the Bildeburgers' and their ilk?

Answer:  I don't know.  Nor do any of these other people that are reporting that that is the case.  It is pure speculation to speak to this in the affirmative.  Even though his actions really do speak to this possibility.  No, PROBABILITY.  However, this is what I do know:

     I know that the he is a liar, pathological in fact
and that he has surrounded himself with the exact same
Type of people IE: Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Joe Biden,
James Clapper, Eric Holder.  That is just to name a few.  There are many more. 
    I know that any and all statistics provided by his admin-
istration are falsified, tweaked, changed, altered or hidden
from the light of day and invented to portray an entirely
Fraudulent picture that is more often than not in complete
opposition of the facts.  Any and all statements made by the
administration and-or their proxies (CNN/Government media) is embellished, falsified or Doctored to support a completely
false narrative.  Talking points are written at the White House and passed down to the media who report them verbatim and in some cases even get paid to report completely false stories that benefit this administration.  Propaganda is running amok.  The Constitution is plain.  It is there to tell the Government what it can, and more importantly what it can't do.  There are duties of the federal Government that are specifically delineated in this Supreme Law of the Land.  One of which is to provide for the Countries security.  With Islamic extremists and muslims in high ranking appointed positions in the Government, a wide open southern boarder, several "free trade" agreements, as well as foreign policy that does nothing but give our enemies or countries that want to be our enemies the assurance of weakness overtly and fervently communicated to the whole world.  Even our (so called) allies are falling away in various ways especially economically.  The ones that aren't running away are being forced to reconsider in lieu of spying and policies not conducive to maintaining an alliance.  While he and his cohorts like the DHS, FBI, NSA and other alphabet agencies are concentrating on attacking and demonizing the people of this once great nation, the military is being cut back, degraded, humiliated, and censored.  Veterans are being piled into a rhetorical closet to die instead of being taken care of (as promised), and the ones that aren't requiring medical care are being called "domestic terrorists."  We the People are put on "watch lists" and people are constantly being harassed by Militarized police departments with no knock raids, un-Constitutional self written warrants, un-Constitutional road blocks and checkpoints, forced blood draws, constant surveillance through e-mail, cell phones, and cameras both hidden and in plain sight in public.  Yet, illegal immigrants, even with criminal records are being released from jail, allowed to freely cross the border and are handed public assistance in the form of money, food and housing and education, not to mention free transport to the location of their choice courtesy of the American people.  We are being forced, through taxation to pay for our own demise and complete loss of sovereignty.  Doesn't that just warm the cockles of your heart?

    Even though we knew (or should have known) that the Ebola virus would come to the shores of this country, the Government says "there's nothing to worry about, we are the best in the world medically, there's no way that it could even come here, and if it should, there is no way that it will spread to epidemic stages."  Then in the background, and, for months in advance no less, the CDC (Government) sends out guidelines to all hospitals for the procedures to follow in the event that patients should appear (magically).  They also give policy and procedures to funeral homes for the care and disposal of the dead.  Isn't that interesting.  Do you think there is more about this that you are not being told?  Is this another lie?  Or is this just a vain attempt to avoid panic?  Or maybe, just maybe it is an intentional attempt to bring this disease to the American People.  Then forced inoculations, quarantine zones, and martial law to contain the spread?  I'll leave that up to you.  I know I will be ready for almost any of those things to happen.  As crazy as this sounds, I just have no trust in this Government to do the right thing for this country or the people.