I hope to use this little space as a sounding board to voice my political "opinion", about the gradual but steady dissolving of the constitution of the United States of America. I would also like to bring governance back to "WE THE PEOPLE" and away from greedy politicians who care only about lining their own pockets and ignoring the voice of "WE THE PEOPLE" that they have been elected to represent.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Get them before they get to the children
The 2012 Presidential race is heating up, and as the elections get closer, I become more frightened. The mere thought that Barry Soetorro ( aka: Barak Hussein Obama) still has the chance of re-election is like a scene right out of a horror movie. He has done nothing productive while in office unless you consider fulfilling his campaign promise to “fundamentally transform” America and the world, a positive and productive step. It took this country 232 years to accumulate a $10 Trillion debt, and it only took him 3 years to add $5 Trillion to it. That’s a 50% increase in only three years!!! Now that’s an accomplishment yeah? I believe it to be treasonous, but I have already stated that case in a previous article.
I can’t however blame it all on him (even though I would love nothing more), he has had a great deal of help destroying this Great Nation. Both houses of Congress from both sides of the isle are complicit in his plan and agree with the ultimate goal, the complete and total destruction of the American way of life, and the Constitution that founded it. Though again, I can’t include all of them in this equation either (just the majority). From the Supreme Court all the way down to the State courts his dream of a Socialist States of America is being carefully and meticulously brought out of theory, and into reality. Slowly but surely over the course of years the plan is taking shape, the framework put in place and the nails of construction are being hammered home. The move forward is taking place slowly so as not to draw attention to it. I got a news flash for ya, IT”S WORKING!!! No one seems to care. Sure Glenn Beck is all over it, but that is his “calling”, (Thank God we have him at least) but there are no other media outlets even talking about it. Sure, Fox news touches on it from time to time with Judge Napolitano, John Stossel, and Bill O’Riely (although I don’t think Bill is convinced quite yet), but aside from that, nothing but a little blurb here and there, and you can forget about CNN, or MSLSD. You’ll not hear boo from them unless they are bashing a Republican, especially one that might be black, or challenging the “Anointed one,” for the Presidency or both.
As FEMA camps go up all over the Country ( 650 of them) and the police departments become more and more militarized both in thought and appearance. Just ask the people of Louisiana, they were subjected to illegal house to house searches, and disarmed by force by an unconstitutional Army on U.S. soil (82nd Airborne) completely violating the Constitution under the guise of helping after a storm. Yet the Country remains quiet with the exception of those who are called extremists by the media just for telling the truth, and I become more and more frightened for my family, our Constitution and myself with every passing day. When the Occupy movement commits more crimes everyday than the citizens in most major cities have, and the State and local Governments do next to nothing about it, you know the pace of Socialization is rapidly increasing, and with the battle being fought on so many different fronts at the same time, it is intentionally confusing, and hard to keep track of. Before long we will start to hear from the people in our Government. They will admit publicly to being Socialists. People like Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Maxine Waters (D-CA) and a handful of other names that escape me as I write this. But you can find all their names on the membership list of the American Socialist party web site. These are the people, our elected officials, who will soon come out in droves as the day of complete Constitutional subversion nears. The people who think like Rosanne Barr, who said that re-education camps (FEMA has built them) would be needed, and when they don’t work, the guillotine would be in order. The thought process of these people is not only perplexing but downright frightening. I don’t understand how these people can become wealthy under a Capitalist system, living freely in a Democratic Republic, to advocating Communist tenets and espousing Socialism and no one bats even an eyelash in the lamestream media. It’s atrocious (So much for our last line of defense from tyranny). Rosanne Barr is not called an “extremist”, but people like me are. God forbid you have ever spent time in the Military. Then not only are you labeled an extremist, you are put on a terrorist watch list by Comrade Napolitano and the new SS (Department of Fatherland Security).
As I write this some a**hole in Congress is working with some large Global corporation to write new laws to benefit said large corporation like, HR 875, (S 510), this bill sponsored (written) by a large agricultural company (Monsanto) will get the Federal Government involved in your backyard garden and prevent you from even giving your excess crops away to food banks or to even help your neighbor. There are fines and even jail time associated with this legislation. The language is scary at best.
All I have left to say at this point is; be sure to stock up on seeds, food, water, cash and plenty of ammunition, and whatever you do, keep the powder dry. I know if you don’t use it, your neighbor will need this stuff when you get carted off to a FEMA camp in denial.
May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.
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