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Monday, June 13, 2011

A call for JUSTICE.

    At the end of this rant, you will find that I have taken the liberty to post the Wikipedia definition of the word "Treason".  You will see why in a minute.....Just hear me out.

    The President, members of the Senate, as well as Members of the House of Representatives take an Oath (or Affirmation if you prefer) to "protect and defend the Constitution."  It is my contention that almost all of them have violated, smashed, trounced upon, and at the very least completely disregarded this promise to the American People.  The American People are the "Sovereign".  We alone ARE the country, and as such, WE THE PEOPLE must CONSENT to be Governed by our elected officials who give their Oath ( or Affirmation) to follow the laws set forth in the Constitution they swore to UPHOLD as well as DEFEND from ENEMIES BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.  If you just take the face value of the definition provided below, there are "Traitors" in both houses of Congress, in the legislative branches, and most egregiously, in the Executive branch itself.
    Almost all of the executive orders and directives issued by the President as of late are at the very least unconstitutional.  The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has, violated court orders to allow domestic oil drilling and has re-issued a ban citing executive orders.  There has been an outright refusal to issued the permits required as well.  Yet even after a court order that refutes this agency, and the President, Congress, who has the sole Constitutional authority to legislate, does, and says nothing.  In fact it just hides from even the mention of the policy. 

    The EPA., is just one of many Federal agencies that has all of a sudden taken it upon themselves or through Presidential directive the legislation process.  They cannot actually write the laws, but they can regulate, and fine both business, and individuals into submission.  What's the difference?

   The President has also decided that he alone is the one who can take this country to war, and has done so in at least 3 separate occasions without Congressional approval.  In Libya,  who made NATO the boss?  In Pakistan, when did Congress authorize drone strikes, or special forces incursions?  Never.  Since when does the CIA have the authority to wage its own war? Never.  What about military action in Yemen?  Who authorized that?  When was anyone gonna tell us about it?  The press knew.  They dragged their feet about informing the public, probably also under a Presidential order.

    The Justice department.  Now here is a perfect example of Constitutional adherence.  They enforce the laws they want to enforce, and ignore the ones they don't.  They prosecute people and organizations they don't like, and who don't ascribe to the Presidents dictatorial assertions, while leaving loyal followers and like minded individuals alone, often time even rewarding law breaking and bad behavior.  So much for Equal justice under the law.  More like Social justice, under one rule.

    Taking the time to go through every agency, and every individual would encompass a whole book, so for the sake of expediency I will stop here.  I think you get the point.

     I believe that there are impeachments in order here.  From Supreme court Justices, right down the Federal court system, to local levels.  I think starting at the bottom, and working our way up would be easier, but allot less gratifying.  The President, and all guilty members of Congress should be impeached, and tried for treason, with the appropriate sentences being carried out in a public forum, and televised worldwide.  This would be the only way to show the world that the American people are taking their Country back from Oligarchy, and re-instating the Republic of Constitutional law.  Merely voting these people out of office would both take too long and would also not prevent it from happening again.  When people are afraid of Government, that is Tyranny.  When the Government fears the people, that is LIBERTY.  We as a Nation have got to do something harsh, and we have to act swiftly.  We are watching our Republic disappear without even a whimper!!  It's time to get off our asses, and force Equal Justice on our elected officials that seek to ram their own form of Government and Social justice down our throats.  Don't let them take away our children any more.  Don't let them take our money anymore.  Don't let them take our Country any more!!!!  It's Time to take our Republic back, and PROSECUTE to the fullest EXTREMES of the LAW, the thieves that are stealing it away right under our noses.  What we want is irrelevant, they know what's best for us, the Country and our children so they will make theses choices for us.  The odds that these idiots will prosecute themselves are not good.  We must find a way to relieve them of that burden.  And quickly.

Treason: as defined by Wikipedia.

In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more serious acts of betrayal of one's sovereign or nation. Historically, treason also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such as the murder of a husband by his wife. Treason against the king was known as high treason and treason against a lesser superior was petit treason. A person who commits treason is known in law as a traitor.
Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.
Outside legal spheres, the word "traitor" may also be used to describe a person who betrays (or is accused of betraying) their own political party, nation, family, friends, ethnic group, team, religion, social class, or other group to which they may belong. Often, such accusations are controversial and disputed, as the person may not identify with the group of which they are a member, or may otherwise disagree with the group leaders making the charge. See, for example, race traitor.
At times, the term "traitor" has been levelled as a political epithet, regardless of any verifiable treasonable action. In a civil war or insurrection, the winners may deem the losers to be traitors. Likewise the term "traitor" is used in heated political discussion – typically as a slur against political dissidents, or against officials in power who are perceived as failing to act in the best interest of their constituents. In certain cases, as with the German Dolchstoßlegende, the accusation of treason towards a large group of people can be a unifying political message.
In English law, high treason was punishable by being hanged, drawn and quartered (men) or burnt at the stake (women), or beheading (royalty and nobility). Treason was the only crime which attracted those penalties (until they were abolished in 1814, 1790 and 1973 respectively).[1] The penalty was used by later monarchs against people who could reasonably be called traitors, although most modern jurists would call it excessive. Many of them would now just be considered dissidents.
In William Shakespeare's play King Lear (circa 1600), when the King learns that his daughter Regan has publicly dishonoured him, he says They could not, would not do 't; 'tis worse than murder: a conventional attitude at that time. In Dante Alighieri's Inferno, the ninth and lowest circle of Hell is reserved for traitors; Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, suffers the worst torments of all: being constantly gnawed at by one of Lucifer's own three mouths. His treachery is considered so notorious that his name has long been synonymous with traitor, a fate he shares with Benedict Arnold, Marcus Junius Brutus (who too is depicted in Dante's Inferno, suffering the same fate as Judas along with Cassius Longinus), and Vidkun Quisling. Indeed, the etymology of the word traitor originates with Judas' handing over of Jesus to the Roman authorities: the word is derived from the Latin traditor which means "one who delivers."[2]
Christian theology and political thinking until after the Enlightenment considered treason and blasphemy as synonymous, as it challenged both the state and the will of God. Kings were considered chosen by God and to betray one's country was to do the work of Satan.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


     Normally I wouldn't even say that because  I believe the that the seat belt laws in this country are UNCONSTITUTIONAL (to say the least)!!!  But for the purposes of this little rant I will just leave it at that.

    I read several articles this week that have spewed forth the statistic that 40% of all "Americans" are now either on food stamps, medicaid, or are otherwise dependents of the "Federal Government."  BRILLIANT!!!   That's just what our soon to be Dictator wants.   Let us take this one step at a time because it infuriates me. 

    Let us just say first of all, that the culture of dependence is growing so rapidly (it is rampant) in this country that the United States of America more closely resembles 1938 Germany than it does the "Republic" the Founding Fathers set up for us to treasure and keep.  The fact that people who call themselves "Americans" can actually Accept Barrys' (Obamas') redistributive policies and feel good about doing so is just appalling to me (and I suspect the Founders as well).  I understand that this so called "President" has taken our beloved country from the brink of financial collapse to the precipice and beyond, but that is no reason for "real Americans" to fall victim to the fascist trap being set.  The "free money", isn't free.  Hard working people from all over this land pay into this pot so that the people who actually need it might have a reprieve until they can get back on their feet.  It was never intended to be a pay check for the rest of ones life.  Even still,  the entitlement programs of this country are like the seat belt laws.....UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!  Social Security is one of them.  I know it was designed with good intentions ( the road to hell is paved with those),so was communism.  If the politicians could have kept their hand out of the pot instead of filling it with worthless treasuries and IOU's, to spend the cash on pet projects, and lobbyists, it would probably be solvent even to this day, but it isn't.  My point is that if the people of this country are willing to lay down and accept what the Government hands out at the expense of hard working, overtime seeking, breaking their ass to save for the future, (who actually pay taxes) tired Americans, then we are all doomed to enslavement at he REQUEST of the taking, redistributionist, neo-fascist lazy non-tax paying dogs of the new entitlement states of america. No more property more 2nd amendment, no more 1st more Constitution.   Just a check in the mail, and a card to buy the food that they tell you you are allowed to buy.  Because they alone know what's good for you.  

    Basically, I am sick of the whole lot.  Illegal immigrants that never pay into the system and get free medical care as well as food stamps and AFDC (well-FAIR my ass), to the people who are perfectly able to take care of themselves but just choose to let us do it for them, because it is easier.  To the pension taking retirees, who still take Social Security checks to augment their income.  To the people who grew up taking, and were never taught how to work hard, much less to try, and now demand all that we (as a country) have to GIVE them ( because they believe they deserve it).  I have two words for you........and they are not "happy birthday"!!!!!  You are Un-American.  What happened to personal responsibility?  Respect for self and family?   The willingness to do whatever is needed to be done to better yourself, your family, your community.  The America I know is already lost,  it left with your sense of duty, and pride.  You all deserve what you get!!!!   I am just mad that you have the gall to take the rest of us hard working duty bound "Sovereign" Americans with you.

    To the rest of you........Hold's going to be a bumpy ride.  One we as a Nation may not survive.