I hope to use this little space as a sounding board to voice my political "opinion", about the gradual but steady dissolving of the constitution of the United States of America. I would also like to bring governance back to "WE THE PEOPLE" and away from greedy politicians who care only about lining their own pockets and ignoring the voice of "WE THE PEOPLE" that they have been elected to represent.
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Friday, April 15, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
The firing of Don Imus brings to light a serious double standard in American culture that permeates more than language. It exposes flaws of what’s right and wrong in societal norms and values. Each person views the world based on personal experience. Our language and culture are constantly changing and evolving. What’s accepted today wasn’t yesterday. What’s tolerated today might not be tomorrow. Imus seems to be a victim of just that. But I wonder why what he said is acceptable for some but not for others.
Imus’ remarks towards Rutgers female basketball team was calling them “nappy headed hoes” was wrong. For some who don’t know what that means I suggest they pick up a copy of the ACADEMY AWARD WINNING SONG “It’s Hard Out Here For A Pimp”. This theme song for the 2005 movie Hustle & Flow repeated the F, S and N words 10 times in its lyrics. What sickens me is Hollywood rewarded this language and the glorifying of prostitution as something noble. But what it did was bring to light the marginalizing of black females in America. How can any dignified woman of any race stand to be called “hoes” or any disparaging labels? Where is the outrage?!? Yet you never heard a word from Dick Gregory, Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson. WHY? Two are hiding what they really are; racial profiteers while the entire country, black community included stands silent while MTV and BET play videos such as Snoop Doggy Dog’s music like “Slap the hoe”!
Reverend Sharpton was behind the push for Imus’ firing. He’s a public figure ordained a “minister” at 10 years old who’s profited by taking advantage of others fears and racial hostilities. In 1987 he perpetuated the Tawana Brawley hoax that permanently destroyed the reputation of innocent people. He was found liable on 7 counts of defamation and served jail time. He was De Facto spokesmen for the Cato family inflaming the Crown Heights riots, who referred to “diamond merchants” (code for Hasidic Jews) blaming them for “spilling the blood of innocent babies” while leading marchers demanding “no justice, no peace”. The riots caused millions in damage, undermined Mayor Dinkins leadership and resulted in the death of Australian rabbinical student Yankel Rossenbaum by a mob yelling “kill the Jew”. In 1995 Sharpton was involved in a protest at a store owned by Jews in Harlem. He stated “we will not stand by and allow them to move this BROTHER so that some WHITE INTERLOPER can expand his business.” An armed protester forcibly entered the store burning it down killing himself and seven others. Sharpton “expressed regret” for the racial remarks and distanced himself from what happened. How many people did Don Imus kill with his mean spirited remarks? Has Sharpton apologized for inflaming public perception while three innocent students at Duke were falsely accused of rape?
Reverend Jesse Jackson has made a living the same way. He appeared nationally by claiming to hold a dying Martin Luther King in his arms when MLK was shot to death in 1968. Every person in the room when King was shot agreed Jackson wasn’t there and didn’t even go to the hospital after the shooting. Yet he appeared on national TV the next day with a bloodied shirt using the media to play on a stunned nation’s emotion. He was suspended from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in 1971. According to its leaders he used the organization for his own personal agenda. What’s changed? Only his organizations name. Recently it was publicized that he was diverting funds from it to provide payments to a woman who mothered his illegitimate child while working in his office. Can you say bribes or “hush” money?
Our society is faced with serious challenges. We have a double standard that exempts some from using disparaging language based on race. The same company that fired Don Imus pushes music that glorifies drugs, rape, violence, racial separatism and disparages women under the guise of free speech. Today I listened to rapper M-1 (artist of acclaimed song “Slap A White Boy”) condemn “whites” for talking behind doors and generalized all white people as oppressors. I take offense to that statement. A friend of mine who I respect caused me to reflect on the responsibilities and differences between public and private speech and its consequences. I’m curious as to why the ACLU is ominously quiet with regards to free speech and the Duke Students but busy protecting child pornography and NAMBLA. Should Imus apologize to the white people also? There are two white female students on the Rutgers team also! As bad as Imus may appear he raised 1.3 million dollars for children today before being fired. What has Sharpton or Jackson done? When will legitimate community members with real concerns take a stand and look for answers to problems rather than lay blame while others use fear and ignorance to profit? The only remedy is education in the home, school and life rather than appeasement, posturing, apologies and political correctness. I’m credible now. My pastor ordained me over the phone.
Mike Kuchta
Ashville, NY
"Rise to the top"= NO education at all. Thanx Barry.
I want to tell you a (not so ) little story: My Son Donald, is 12 years old. He started his school career in the State of New York ( pre-school actually). Then when our family moved to Florida, he attended kindergarten. A family emergency caused a relocation to the State of Georgia where we have stayed since. Donald is now in the 6th grade.
Donald's schooling prior to our move to the state of Ga. ( Georgia ) was excellent. He was learning Spanish as a second language even in pre-school. He could count to 10 ( ten ) in three different languages. German, Spanish, and Japanese. He even thought that he liked Mathematics!!! Imagine that!!
As Donald's "Primary" (Government) school education progressed within the State of Georgia, he became less and less interested, and more and more frustrated. His grades began to tumble. Getting him out of the bed in the morning was an increasingly difficult task, and often broke out into a heated fiasco. As his light dimmed, and his enthusiasm dwindled.....my heart sank. He became anxious, and combative over the thought of having to go back to school after the weekend. Often he was in to tears, as e put him on the bus anyway. Then, we often cried ourselves after he was gone. He was constantly being picked on, and bullied. He was called words he had never even heard before like, "Yankee", and "Cracker." The abuse lasted from the time he got on the school bus till the time the school bus dropped him back off at the house.
I always told Donald to defend himself. "Never allow yourself to be pushed around or it will only get worse." I told him. He didn't.......and it did. When I asked him why he allowed it to progress to this point, I was told that he had complained to he teachers. That he had tried to talk to the kids who were "being mean to him", and that both actions had made things worse not better. My son was then labeled a "racist" by the school and it's principal. Meeting after meeting with teachers yielded no result. After speaking with the Principal ( I just call him JJ ), to no avail, I was left with no other alternative than the Superintendent of schools. While her intentions were well meaning.......there were still no results. Donald remained miserable, and at times even so disconcerted that he flat out refused to go to school.
Donald began to fight back.......Physically. The school was mad they suspended him, detained him, still he fought. Donald would come home with scratches, a black eye and a fat lip. JJ didn't care. Donald and I were told, "Black people, just by the nature of their skin color, "cannot be racist", and therefore it was all his fault. That's when Mom and I pulled him out of the Jenkins County (Government) school system.
Donald has since attended the "Charter School of Liberal Arts and Technology". It took him some time to catch up to their standards, but once he did, he has excelled dramatically. His grades have gotten ten times better. He actually gets up in the morning without giving us any grief, and he has actually said that he likes school. WOW!!!!! what a difference. From Origami, to math and social studies. They are even teaching the Constitution!!!! Imagine that!!!! I was so happy for him I couldn't stand it.
That's when we find out that the Charter Schools throughout the State of Georgia, are being systematically closed down because they are taking tax funds from the ( failing ) Government school system. whether the children are doing well is irrelevant. What it boils down to is MONEY, and the Government schools want it. And they want it all to themselves. Incompetence and all, the Federal BOE says they get it. So, Donald ( my son and maybe your daughter) has to suffer. To this I say BULL SH**!!! I will not take this laying down. If it doesn't work......I will not pay my school tax, and I will home school. But the Fed BOE needs to be de funded, and our children's education needs to be fixed. As for the rest of us parents........we need to get our children the best education as possible. As far as I am concerned.......Home schooling is probably best. But the charter school system is better. Because the people involved really care, and, they are professional educators. Not Government ones.
Donald's schooling prior to our move to the state of Ga. ( Georgia ) was excellent. He was learning Spanish as a second language even in pre-school. He could count to 10 ( ten ) in three different languages. German, Spanish, and Japanese. He even thought that he liked Mathematics!!! Imagine that!!
As Donald's "Primary" (Government) school education progressed within the State of Georgia, he became less and less interested, and more and more frustrated. His grades began to tumble. Getting him out of the bed in the morning was an increasingly difficult task, and often broke out into a heated fiasco. As his light dimmed, and his enthusiasm dwindled.....my heart sank. He became anxious, and combative over the thought of having to go back to school after the weekend. Often he was in to tears, as e put him on the bus anyway. Then, we often cried ourselves after he was gone. He was constantly being picked on, and bullied. He was called words he had never even heard before like, "Yankee", and "Cracker." The abuse lasted from the time he got on the school bus till the time the school bus dropped him back off at the house.
I always told Donald to defend himself. "Never allow yourself to be pushed around or it will only get worse." I told him. He didn't.......and it did. When I asked him why he allowed it to progress to this point, I was told that he had complained to he teachers. That he had tried to talk to the kids who were "being mean to him", and that both actions had made things worse not better. My son was then labeled a "racist" by the school and it's principal. Meeting after meeting with teachers yielded no result. After speaking with the Principal ( I just call him JJ ), to no avail, I was left with no other alternative than the Superintendent of schools. While her intentions were well meaning.......there were still no results. Donald remained miserable, and at times even so disconcerted that he flat out refused to go to school.
Donald began to fight back.......Physically. The school was mad they suspended him, detained him, still he fought. Donald would come home with scratches, a black eye and a fat lip. JJ didn't care. Donald and I were told, "Black people, just by the nature of their skin color, "cannot be racist", and therefore it was all his fault. That's when Mom and I pulled him out of the Jenkins County (Government) school system.
Donald has since attended the "Charter School of Liberal Arts and Technology". It took him some time to catch up to their standards, but once he did, he has excelled dramatically. His grades have gotten ten times better. He actually gets up in the morning without giving us any grief, and he has actually said that he likes school. WOW!!!!! what a difference. From Origami, to math and social studies. They are even teaching the Constitution!!!! Imagine that!!!! I was so happy for him I couldn't stand it.
That's when we find out that the Charter Schools throughout the State of Georgia, are being systematically closed down because they are taking tax funds from the ( failing ) Government school system. whether the children are doing well is irrelevant. What it boils down to is MONEY, and the Government schools want it. And they want it all to themselves. Incompetence and all, the Federal BOE says they get it. So, Donald ( my son and maybe your daughter) has to suffer. To this I say BULL SH**!!! I will not take this laying down. If it doesn't work......I will not pay my school tax, and I will home school. But the Fed BOE needs to be de funded, and our children's education needs to be fixed. As for the rest of us parents........we need to get our children the best education as possible. As far as I am concerned.......Home schooling is probably best. But the charter school system is better. Because the people involved really care, and, they are professional educators. Not Government ones.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Constitution first: The Federal "PONZI" scheme ( Madoff Style):
The Constitution first: The Federal "PONZI" scheme ( Madoff Style):: "Why did Bernie Madoff go to prison? To make it simple, he talked people into investing with him. Trouble was, he didn't invest their ..."
The Federal "PONZI" scheme ( Madoff Style):
Monday, April 4, 2011
"Stupid is as stupid does".
I just have to vent a little I guess: The burning of the Quaran (koran, Qran) however you want to spell or say it. This was a tragic event for the "real" Muslim people, and should have been avoided. I say real, because I believe that the religious beliefs of Islam are indeed peaceful, and that the extremists among them are the bad apples in the bunch. Christianity, and Judaism share the same few ( relatively ) bad apples. This theory, I am sure, holds true for all other religions. I would like to say that I have read the Quaran, but I have not, as the closest I can get to it is a translation. The translation, leaves much to be desired in the English language ( I am told that the beauty of it eludes us English folk, Americans in particular) but I have tried. Understanding the translation is a great undertaking in and of itself. What it boils down to is this:
Hot air, and steam. I don't know the book, so I will stop talking about the book. What I do understand are the bad apples. They are the ones we are fighting in no longer two, but three different fronts now. I believe there will soon be a fourth. There are good, God fearing Muslims in this world. Our fight is not with them, their Religion, or there God. Our fight is with the ideology of the bad apples in the bunch. These bad apples I refer to as "muslanimals" (and will continue to do so hence forth). These muslanimals are responsible for more death around the world than anyone could imagine, and for what reason? God. Allah. I don't buy it. What I do buy is that America is getting involved in a conflict our Government has no intention of winning.
Nation building is not in our counties best interest. Nor is it within our countries budget (thank you Barry). It's not even in the Presidents' CONSTITUTIONAL authority to institute. If America has a national security issue, than it is provided for in the Constitution that the Congress has the sole authority to deal with it. But, if the President (Barry) wants to push the issue, then he shouldn't tie the hands of our fighting forces. Forget about Vietnam, where Presidents Johnson, and Nixon thought they could fight a war from the oval office. History tells us that doesn't work!! Marines are trained to kill. Plain and simple. If you don't want them to kill, then send them home so that they might live to fight when you really do need them. If the rules of engagement are the thickness of the yellow pages.........our government is doing something wrong. When the Navy, and the Air force are risking their lives to support Army, and Marine Corps. troops who can't fight, why are they there? Not to protect vital American interests, or American security, I can tell you that much is clear. If Barry wont let them fight to win.....he should bring them home, because in this economy,( thanx barry,and the fed ) they will have to fight to live.
That being said: I believe that the muslanimals should be treated as they treated us on 9/11. A war of attrition is definitely called for. Release the hounds ( Army and Marine corps.)!!!!! Or bring them back to the families that need them most. Our fighting men and women deserve far greater respect than the Government, and our Country have given them, since WW-ll they have been tied down and told not to do their best. Korea. Vietnam. They were a shambles. Stop abusing proud, unselfish human beings for the wrong reasons. They attacked us. Let politics be damned. Kill them or leave them to kill themselves ( they always have ). Let our forces come home with honor, or with their lives. Preferably both. But don't leave them in a position where they cannot defend their own life, much less their Honor, Dignity,and Country which they swore before God to put before themselves. This Nation would be lost long before today without them.
Thank you all. And God bless the United States of America.
Hot air, and steam. I don't know the book, so I will stop talking about the book. What I do understand are the bad apples. They are the ones we are fighting in no longer two, but three different fronts now. I believe there will soon be a fourth. There are good, God fearing Muslims in this world. Our fight is not with them, their Religion, or there God. Our fight is with the ideology of the bad apples in the bunch. These bad apples I refer to as "muslanimals" (and will continue to do so hence forth). These muslanimals are responsible for more death around the world than anyone could imagine, and for what reason? God. Allah. I don't buy it. What I do buy is that America is getting involved in a conflict our Government has no intention of winning.
Nation building is not in our counties best interest. Nor is it within our countries budget (thank you Barry). It's not even in the Presidents' CONSTITUTIONAL authority to institute. If America has a national security issue, than it is provided for in the Constitution that the Congress has the sole authority to deal with it. But, if the President (Barry) wants to push the issue, then he shouldn't tie the hands of our fighting forces. Forget about Vietnam, where Presidents Johnson, and Nixon thought they could fight a war from the oval office. History tells us that doesn't work!! Marines are trained to kill. Plain and simple. If you don't want them to kill, then send them home so that they might live to fight when you really do need them. If the rules of engagement are the thickness of the yellow pages.........our government is doing something wrong. When the Navy, and the Air force are risking their lives to support Army, and Marine Corps. troops who can't fight, why are they there? Not to protect vital American interests, or American security, I can tell you that much is clear. If Barry wont let them fight to win.....he should bring them home, because in this economy,( thanx barry,and the fed ) they will have to fight to live.
That being said: I believe that the muslanimals should be treated as they treated us on 9/11. A war of attrition is definitely called for. Release the hounds ( Army and Marine corps.)!!!!! Or bring them back to the families that need them most. Our fighting men and women deserve far greater respect than the Government, and our Country have given them, since WW-ll they have been tied down and told not to do their best. Korea. Vietnam. They were a shambles. Stop abusing proud, unselfish human beings for the wrong reasons. They attacked us. Let politics be damned. Kill them or leave them to kill themselves ( they always have ). Let our forces come home with honor, or with their lives. Preferably both. But don't leave them in a position where they cannot defend their own life, much less their Honor, Dignity,and Country which they swore before God to put before themselves. This Nation would be lost long before today without them.
Thank you all. And God bless the United States of America.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Obama health-nightmare!! Please listen!!
I am a RN working in Hemodialysis. I am a nurse for 25 years. I have worked in almost every clinical setting.
I have worked in areas from the ER to Cardiac, and even Neonatal ICU. Now I work in Dialysis. I started my career in NY, moved to Florida and worked OR and Recovery room there. Now I am in Georgia working in Hemodialysis. I have discovered that End stage renal disease is the only diagnosis that CMS (center for medicare and medicaid) is completely covered. And the only diagnosis that is recognized in this setting. Complete goverment payment!!! You can be an ILLEGAL ALIEN with Renal failure and receive dialysis on the TAX PAYER!!!!!!! Yes!!!! Everything from their treatments to the very expensive medicine called Epogen which helps them make new red blood cells. How expensive you ask?????? How about $1000.00 per ML.
Yup!! oh and by the way the average patient receives about 10,000 units per treatment.
Guess who is paying to keep the renal patients blood count within normal range(for dialysis patients)
mostly UUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! And by the way the centers for medicare and medicaid (CMS) has decided that a dialysis pt. hemoglobin is OK if it is between 10 and 12. Normal person's hemoglobin is above 13 to be considered normal. So if my patient has a hemoglobin above 12 we get penalize and do not get paid the full amount for that treatment!!!!! So when my patients are doing really well and finally feel good and there blood count has gone up, but it went up too much and now my patient's Hemoglobin is BS!!!! I am sorry and tired of getting beat down like a dog for taking care of my patients the way they deserve!!! Oh, you all just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You see Hemodialysis has been a completely GOVERMENT run diagnosis!!!!!!!! The only one!!! So if anyone knows a SOCIALIZED medical RX. WE in dialysis certainly do, Ask any one who works in dialysis, they will tell you that GOD help us if every diagnosis is treated like it is on dialysis.
We live it every day. Now in january 2011. the centers for medicaid and medicare have changed how the dialysis treatment will be charged for payment. Now it is called "bundling" That means we only get paid a FLAT fee for each patient. Nothing extra!!! If you get itchy during your treatment!!: sorry, you should have brought your own benadryl with you
Death Panels?????????????
Sarah Palin brought this up 1 1/2 years ago!! Well guess what??!! It is true!!
God help us if Obama's Heathcare is not repealed!! No one seems to get it!! RICH or POOR we are doomed. Please get your hat on and let's get a real patient care conversation going into the ( people's house) Whitehouse!!!!!!! Please!!!!
Christine A. Vincent R.N. C.E.N, CLNC
I have worked in areas from the ER to Cardiac, and even Neonatal ICU. Now I work in Dialysis. I started my career in NY, moved to Florida and worked OR and Recovery room there. Now I am in Georgia working in Hemodialysis. I have discovered that End stage renal disease is the only diagnosis that CMS (center for medicare and medicaid) is completely covered. And the only diagnosis that is recognized in this setting. Complete goverment payment!!! You can be an ILLEGAL ALIEN with Renal failure and receive dialysis on the TAX PAYER!!!!!!! Yes!!!! Everything from their treatments to the very expensive medicine called Epogen which helps them make new red blood cells. How expensive you ask?????? How about $1000.00 per ML.
Yup!! oh and by the way the average patient receives about 10,000 units per treatment.
Guess who is paying to keep the renal patients blood count within normal range(for dialysis patients)
mostly UUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! And by the way the centers for medicare and medicaid (CMS) has decided that a dialysis pt. hemoglobin is OK if it is between 10 and 12. Normal person's hemoglobin is above 13 to be considered normal. So if my patient has a hemoglobin above 12 we get penalize and do not get paid the full amount for that treatment!!!!! So when my patients are doing really well and finally feel good and there blood count has gone up, but it went up too much and now my patient's Hemoglobin is BS!!!! I am sorry and tired of getting beat down like a dog for taking care of my patients the way they deserve!!! Oh, you all just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You see Hemodialysis has been a completely GOVERMENT run diagnosis!!!!!!!! The only one!!! So if anyone knows a SOCIALIZED medical RX. WE in dialysis certainly do, Ask any one who works in dialysis, they will tell you that GOD help us if every diagnosis is treated like it is on dialysis.
We live it every day. Now in january 2011. the centers for medicaid and medicare have changed how the dialysis treatment will be charged for payment. Now it is called "bundling" That means we only get paid a FLAT fee for each patient. Nothing extra!!! If you get itchy during your treatment!!: sorry, you should have brought your own benadryl with you
Death Panels?????????????
Sarah Palin brought this up 1 1/2 years ago!! Well guess what??!! It is true!!
God help us if Obama's Heathcare is not repealed!! No one seems to get it!! RICH or POOR we are doomed. Please get your hat on and let's get a real patient care conversation going into the ( people's house) Whitehouse!!!!!!! Please!!!!
Christine A. Vincent R.N. C.E.N, CLNC
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