Evolution based on hypothesis unseen and unproven is no different than people believing in intelligent design or God. How many people have seen God? Both are based on faith. In an effort to reconcile science and faith, William Paley formed the Teleological argument that the universe and its fundamental constants, evolution, While talking to a local professor of geology in his office recently we discussed some basic precepts of physical laws governing the universe and world in which we exist. The professor held dual doctorates and placed his reliance of understanding nature and creation on the empirical evidence around him. My questions were designed to corner him and see if he thought there might be something else such as God or intelligent design behind evolution. I asked him that if according to basic laws of physics where matter can not spontaneously create itself from nothing, then how can its existence be explained? Einstein’s theory of relativity E=mc2, explains the conservation and equivalence of energy and mass. Matter being converted to or from energy started from something and science does not offer an answer as of yet. As we went outside I picked up a blade of grass and asked him to explain what caused the incredible process of genetic sequencing and unique balance in our environment. The mathematical probability of us happening by chance is about one trillion to the millionth power. We undoubtedly know there are basic building blocks of life and to a large extent, how they work. My focus of questioning was; who or what is behind how it all came to being? Was Intelligent Design possible?
Not long ago I picked the brain of one of the nations foremost authorities on educational psychology. This man is brilliant, gentle and humble. Being a little mischievous and constantly probing his thoughts, I challenged him to define the concept of “love”. In doing so he wasn’t allowed to describe it by identifying how it inspires or makes us feel or manifests itself in us. Mostly though he wasn’t allowed to use any form of God or allude to God in the definition. He had three days to come up with an answer and after the third day I sought it. He was articulate describing love but failed to meet my criteria. When he asked for the answer, I said “God”. I never said it wasn’t. Only to define love without God. Should love be banned from public schools because the bible states God is love repeatedly? Only if the ACLU has something to do with it!
“Intelligent Design” may well be code words for God. But if scientists believe there’s no God, then why would they feel threatened by Intelligent Design? According to Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species, he stated “The affinities of all the beings of the same class have sometimes been represented by a great tree. I believe this simile largely speaks the truth.” He didn’t state “completely” but rather “largely”. Most people don’t know that Darwin was influenced by his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin who actually proposed that life changed over time. Erasmus’ writings contained comments suggesting the “possibility” of common decent, based on changes in animals during development and artificial selection by human beings. This idea actually dates back to the ancient Greek philosopher Anaximander and Roman philosopher Lucretius. They coined the concepts that all living things were related and had changed over time. When schools teach Darwin’s “theory” of evolution, most material may be factual but not all proven. Because of this it may be wise to teach all and not part of the story. One of the biggest facts not taught with evolution and should be is that Charles Darwin was a Deist. He believed in Intelligent Design! Evolution is still a theory. To teach all of it as conclusive fact and dispel the idea of Intelligent Design is pompous arrogance by the intellectual elite. Teaching emankind, a given species…) was too complex for man to ever know.
Evolution as applied to human beings took off when Herbert Spencer applied the theory to races and nations in his book Social Darwinism. It justified competition during Europe’s period of colonialism between nations as well as racial and cultural superiority. Not to answer man’s question of origin. There were racist components behind this theory because it justified conquering, enslaving and killing Africans and Native Americans. Baldwinian Evolution theory states human beings as cultured animals capable of symbolic (extra somatic) learning can change their environment, or the environment of any species, in such a way as to result in new selective forms. This is true. We can manipulate DNA, cure disease yet cause the extinction of species. Is this our own form of intelligent design or short-sighted reasoning? I say both because humans are blessed and cursed with both. So possibility for advanced intelligence exists.
The reason why people are against Intelligent Design being taught is fear itself. Throughout history leaders maintained power and influence by limiting and controlling the flow of knowledge to their citizens. By manipulating and controlling information leaders from Alexander the Great to Hitler influenced the masses. The first Christians were put to death by the Romans. Later, the church persecuted anyone who questioned their teachings. During British rule over India Gandhi threatened the leadership with peaceful protests. In China the Falun Gong threatens the leadership. The threats are the same; freedom of thoughts and beliefs. In the former Soviet Union religion was outlawed. In their case like most, the government or ruling authority had the final word and tried removing the threat of existential beliefs that threatening its leadership. The state tried to play God. Therein is the problem for governments as well as schools. Beliefs are more powerful than school or government ideals. This becomes dangerous to authority when a direction schools or governments take conflict with personal beliefs. If enough people are influenced by those beliefs they then become a threat to the power of the authority. Remember Tiananmen Square?
There exists a paradox in our society. We’re guaranteed certain constitutional rights by law. In question are freedom of religion, speech, and limiting intrusive government. Separation of church and state was designed to protect us from government sponsored religion only and related to the king’s control of the English church during our independence. Not the denial or suppression of these rights. Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion. If someone doesn’t believe in God, it doesn’t mean God does not exist nor does it mean that belief should be forced on someone else. Public schools don’t understand this. We’ve reversed teaching beliefs. Now evolution “theory” is forced on students, not creation. Both should be taught objectively. Separating church and state didn’t mean removing God. Since America’s birth there’s been the belief that something much greater than us is behind creation. 86% of our population believes in God. From a paleontological perspective human beings are infants compared to most other species. With so much “evidence” supporting an evolutionary process with dinosaurs, birds, fish and reptiles why haven’t we seen the same with humans? There are few explanations and not enough proof justifying human evolution. Survival of the fittest would eliminate apes due to scarce resources and competition. Of the millions of fossils few if any are human. Maybe it’s because evolution can’t answer or justify why we’re here without scripture. Looking at the stars at night it’s a lonely feeling thinking we might be all there is and that we exist only by chance. With our history, I’d hate to think all we have to rely on is each other. I base my existence on hope and faith. By the way, the first mentioned professor answered yes, it is possible.
Michael Kuchta Ashville, NY